1. Why people are considered a resource?


A country's most valuable property is its people. Only when humans use other natural resources to their full potential do they acquire significance. People transform things into tools because of their needs and skills. Human capital is therefore the most valuable resource.

2. What are the causes for the uneven distribution of population in the world?


Global population dispersal is irregular for two reasons: geographical and social. Geographical elements consist of:

* Topography: Because these regions are ideal for agricultural, manufacturing, and service activities, people prefer to live on lowlands rather than mountains and plateaus. While mountains like the Andes, Alps, and Himalayas are lightly inhabited, the Ganga Plains are the most heavily crowded region on Earth.

* Water: People prefer to reside in regions with easy access to pure water. The world's most inhabited areas are waterway basins, while deserts have a smaller population.

Social determinants include:

* Social: Population density is higher in areas with greater housing, schooling, and healthcare options. (For example, Pune)

* Economic: There are jobs available in industrial regions. These places are attracting a lot of folks. Two areas with a high population density are Osaka, Japan, and Mumbai, India.

3. The world population has grown very rapidly. Why?


Due to increased food availability and advancements in medical technology, the mortality rate has decreased, which has caused the global population to increase very quickly. Also, the birth rate has stayed relatively high, in contrast to the mortality rate. Two elements that affect demographic shift are the birth rate and the death rate. The number of live births per 1,000 people is known as the birth rate, whereas the number of fatalities per 1,000 people is known as the mortality rate. Therefore, the demographic equilibrium is impacted by the birth and death ratios.

4. Discuss the role of any two factors influencing population change.


The birth rate and death rate are two elements that impact demographic shift. The number of births per 1,000 people is the birth rate, and the number of fatalities per 1,000 people is the mortality rate. The natural sources of population shift are births and deaths. When the birth rate exceeds the mortality rate, population growth is indicated, and vice versa. The natural growth rate is the disparity between a nation's birth rate and mortality rate.

5. What is meant by population composition?


The structure of the community is referred to as demographic distribution. The population's makeup tells us things like how many people are male or female, what age category they fall into, how educated they are, what kinds of jobs they hold, and their salary and health status. The population pyramid, also known as an age-sex pyramid, can be used to analyse a nation's population distribution in an interesting manner.

6. What are population pyramids? How do they help in understanding the population of a country?


The population pyramid is a diagram that is used to analyse how a population is distributed across a nation. It displays the total population's breakdown by age categories, the proportion of the total population that is made up of men and women, and the total number of dependents in a nation. The population pyramid is wide at the base and narrows toward the summit when a nation's population has a high birth and death rate.

7. What does the term ‘population distribution’ refer to?

a. How the population in a specified area changes over time.

b. How the population in a specified area changes over time the way in which people are spread across a given area.

c. The way in which people are spread across a given area.


 The correct Option is (c) The way in which people are spread across a given area.

The phrase "population distribution" describes how a particular area's population distribution varies. Utilizing population density is the most accurate method to gauge population spread. How many people reside in a given area per square mile or square kilometre serves as a common indicator of population density and dispersal. For instance, in places like Russia and certain regions of Africa, there may only be 10 individuals or less per square mile. There are 100 to 250 individuals per square mile in some parts of Asia.

The Incorrect Options are: (a), (b)

(a) How the population in a specified area changes over time - The number of births, minus the number of fatalities, plus or minus the net amount of movement in a community, over the course of a time equals the shift in the overall population. The number of females at each pertinent age times by the presumptive fertility rate can be used to predict the number of births.

(b) How the population in a specified area changes over time the way in which people are spread across a given area. - The number of fatalities per 1,000 persons per year is a common way to determine the mortality rate in a given area or during a given time frame.

8.  Which are the three main factors that cause population change?

a.  Births, deaths and marriage

b. Births, deaths and migration

 c. Births, deaths and life expectancy


The Correct Option is (b) Births, Deaths and Migration. 

Population growth occurs when there are more births than deaths. Population declines when there are more deaths than births. The populace does not change when the two rates are identical. Therefore, the demographic equilibrium is impacted by the birth and death ratios. Migration is the influx and emigration of individuals. As individuals from developing nations migrate to established nations in search of greater opportunities, immigration has helped to increase the population in these nations.

The Incorrect Options are: (a), (c)

9. In 1999, the world population reached

a. 1 Billion

b. 3 Billion

c. 6 Billion


The Correct Answer is (c) 6 Billion.

Less than 30 years later, in 1999, there were 6 billion people on the planet. The primary cause of this increase was a discrepancy between the number of births and fatalities as a result of improved food and medical care.

10. What is a population pyramid?

 a. A graphical presentation of the age-sex composition of a population.

b. When the population density of an area is so high that people live in tall buildings.

c.  Pattern of population distribution in large urban areas.


The correct Option is (a).

Age-gender pyramid, also known as a population pyramid. The distribution of different age categories in a community that is busy is shown graphically in this illustration or depiction. It is called the population pyramid because it takes on the appearance of a pyramid as population increases. It can also be used to represent an age range visually. The ability of a particular age group to reproduce and the probability that they will preserve the species are also included in this pyramid. These graphs or factors may also include bar graphs or continuous histograms.

11. Complete the sentences below using some of the following words.

(Sparsely, favourable, fallow, artificial, fertile, natural, extreme, densely)

When people are attracted to an area, it becomes ………………….. Populated. Factors that influence this include ………………….. Climate, good supplies of ………………….. Resources and ………………….. Land.


 When people are attracted to an area, it becomes densely populated. Factors that influence this include favourable climate, good supplies of natural resources and fertile land.