1.What is agriculture?


 One of the most significant industries in the nation is agriculture. This industry, which has historically provided food for nearly two-thirds of the Indian people, is derived from Latin, where the terms "agri" or "ager" mean soil and "culture" means cultivation. Agriculture, which includes raising animals as well as growing fruits, veggies, crops, and flowers, can be referred to as a main occupation.

2.Name the factors influencing agriculture.


Soil, temperature, monsoon, irrigation infrastructure, accessibility, or the acceptance of various technologies are a few of the variables that have an impact on farmland. Different kinds of food and non-food crops are produced in various areas of the nation depending on differences in cultivation techniques, temperature, and soil. Jute, cotton, oil seeds, sugarcane, coffee, tea, pulses, millets, wheat, and rice are some of the main products produced in India.  India can take advantage of its varied climate to produce a broad variety of high-value crops. The tea plant thrives in temperate and equatorial climes, as well as in fertile, well-drained soil that is rich in organic matter and humus. Tea plants require a warm, humid environment that is free from frost all year long.

3.What is shifting cultivation? What are its disadvantages?


Slash-and-burn agriculture is another name for shifting cropping. It is a form of farming that entails chopping down and burning forests to clear a piece of ground. Crops are then produced on the earth after the ashes have been added. The ground is abandoned once its fertility has been gone. After that, the farms relocate.


  • causes the loss of forests

  • loss of a specific land's vitality

  • resulting in land runoff

  • Tree burning contributes to air pollution.

  • Inadequate food production in relation to the size of the populace.

4.What is plantation agriculture?


Single commodities like tea, coffee, sugarcane, cashew, rubber, bananas, cotton, etc. are produced on plantations, a form of commercial cultivation. Both labor and money are in great demand. Produce might be prepared on the field or in close-by facilities. Thus, the creation of a transportation network is crucial for such cultivation. Major farms can be located throughout the world's tropical areas. Examples include rubber in Malaysia, coffee in Brazil, and tea in India and Sri Lanka.

5.Name the fibre crops and name the climatic conditions required for their growth


Textile products include jute and cotton. High temperatures, copious amounts of rain, and high humidity are all required climate factors for the development of jute. Similar conditions must exist for cotton to develop, including high temperatures, mild precipitation, and intense sunlight.

  1. 6.Tick the correct answer.

  1. Horticulture means

  1. Growing of Fruits and Vegetables

  2. Primitive Farming

  3. Growing of Wheat


The Correct answer is (a) Growing of Fruits and Vegetables.

Garden products like fruits, veggies, and ornamental plants are the focus of horticulture, which is regarded as a branch of plant cultivation. Its root terms, hortus, which means "garden," and colere, which means "cultivation," are Latin. In a nutshell, it is garden administration that involves heavy commercial output. Horticulture is divided into two categories: plant growth for sustenance and plant cultivation for ornamentation. Plant cultivation for sustenance is known as pomology, and plant cultivation for ornamentation is known as floriculture and landscape gardening.

The Incorrect answer are: (b) and (c)

  • (b) Primitive Farming - In primitive farming, the farmer's family serves as the provider and consumes the output. This kind of gardening makes use of antiquated equipment and conventional tools. The areas used in this kind of cultivation are small. Due to output being primarily for farming households, primitive societies have poor productivity.

  • (c) Growing of Wheat - A well-pulverized but compact seed soil and regular sprouting are required for wheat output.

  1. 7.Golden fibre refers to

  1. Tea

  2. Cotton

  3. Jute


The Correct Option is (c) Jute

Jute is the "golden fibre". In terms of production volume and range of applications, jute comes in second place to cotton. High tensile strength, modest moisture retention, improved breathability, and low extensibility are all characteristics of jute that are intrinsic to the material. The fibre that is frequently used in farming bulk packing is jute. Our nation has long relied heavily on the jute that has been flourishing in the Ganges Delta. Jute has a long history of use in non-textile applications as well as in clothing. Jute is used in numerous high-value and diverse projects.

The Incorrect options are: (a), (b)

  • (a) Tea - The finest quality tea in the world is produced in Kenya, India, China, and Sri Lanka. It requires a mild environment, well-distributed high rainfall throughout the year, loamy soils, and gradual hills for the development of its delicate leaves.

  • (b) Cotton- One of the most popular kinds of textiles in use today is cotton. There are no synthetic materials in this cloth because it is biologically organic. The fibres that cover cotton plant seeds, which appear in a rounded, fluffy shape once the seeds are grown, are used to make cotton cloth.

  1. 8.Leading producers of coffee

  1. Brazil

  2. India

  3. Russia


The Correct option is (a) Brazil.

One of the most popular and widely ingested drinks worldwide is coffee. Vietnam is the second-largest coffee exporter in the world, producing about 20% of all coffee produced worldwide, behind Brazil, which produces 40% of the world's supply. Brazil did not produce coffee originally, but it was cultivated there.

The incorrect option are: (b), (c)

  • (b) India - With more than 1.2 billion people according to the census, India is the second-most populous nation in the globe. It is the seventh-largest nation in the globe with 3.288 million square kilometers of land. Its shoreline is 7,500 kilometers long. With more than 22 main languages and 415 varieties, India is a diverse country.

It Produces Milk, Jute, Groundnuts and Mangoes

  • (c) Russia - With more than 18% of all global shipments of wheat, Russia is the world's biggest exporter.

Together, Russia and Ukraine shipped more than 25.4% of the world's wheat in 2019

  1. 9.In India, agriculture is a primary activity.


Because of the fertile territory that many Indian areas have, agriculture is a major occupation there. The Indian populace is still largely reliant on agriculture. This is primarily due to low reading rates among the populace. As a result of its high population density, India needs to produce a lot of food to meet its population's requirements.

10.Different crops are grown in different regions.

Explanation:Because varying geographic conditions sustain various types of crops, different products are grown in various areas. Any area's farmland is influenced by soil, temperature, topography, and because these variables vary according to location, so do the products produced.

Soil: Soil is a substance made up of elements, water, gas, and biological materials. Black soil, fluvial soil, laterite soil, swampy soil, and other types of soil can all be further categorized. Different products are supported by various soils. Black soil, for instance, is ideal for growing cotton, whereas arid soils are suitable for growing cereals like wheat and maize.

Topography: A region's relief has an impact on its crops as well. Levels of soil erosion, ease of tilling the field, and agricultural machinery are all influenced by topography.

11.Primary activities and tertiary activities


Primary Activities

Tertiary Activities

Agricultural or allied industry operations are other names for these pursuits.

These are actions that benefit civilization in some way. like salesmen, doctors, attorneys, etc.

These initiatives concentrate on occupations that directly depend on environmental resources.

They might not deliver a tangible product, but they do deliver services.

These tasks are carried out by people such as ranchers, coal workers, and fisherman. They will live near to areas where there is a plentiful abundance of their resources because they must interact with their individual natural resources.

Where college activities are conducted will rely on their necessity. A hospital, for instance, won't be built in a remote area. It will construct in an area where customers can use its services.

These activities are disorganized and frequently employ conventional methods. Agriculture is the most significant of all the main occupations.

Tertiary activities are well-planned and rely on contemporary methods and procedures to run.

12.Subsistence farming and intensive farming.


Subsistence Farming

Intensive Farming

Utilization of herbicides and fertilizers

no chemicals or fertilizers

Utilizing watering

No Irrigation

excellent selection of seedlings

inferior grade seeds

contemporary agricultural methods

No contemporary agricultural methods

High yields per acre are typically produced for profit.

Just enough food is produced per hectare to meet the needs of that specific household.