
Thermoplastics, polystyrene, and polyethylene can both be regularly moulded. It is therefore feasible to heat a foamed polystyrene cup while also moulding it into an irregular shape. For example, a dish. Individual molecules are separated from each other and move through one another in the polymeric material associated with thermoplastics. But even though the molecule may be straight or diverging, with molecular weights ranging from incredibly low to exceptionally high. Thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) has a chemical formula \({C_{27}}{H_{36}}{O_{10}}\).

Define Thermoplastic Polymers 

  1. Additional polymerization leads to the production of thermoplastics, which are softer and less brittle. Organic solvents can dissolve them.
  2. Thermoplastics can also be heated to a soft state and then moulded into another structure while they remain warm.
  3. They lose their ability to retain their carved shapes as they cool because they solidify. They can be warmed frequently and moulded into another form without altering their chemical components.
  4. The thermoplastic polymer group is generally categorized as either amorphous or crystalline. The creation of thermoplastics involves combining subunits, which are small molecules.
  5. A simple polymer chain can be produced using thousands of monomers. 
  6. A simple polymer chain can be produced using thousands of monomers.
  7. Though mild forces exist between sequences in polymers, the atoms are held together by powerful covalent bonds.

polyethylene is a thermoplastic polymer that has variable crystalline geometry and huge application.

Features of Thermoplastic Polymers

  1. They are polymers with very high molar mass.
  2. With an increase in the temperature, intermolecular interaction in the cross-linking becomes weak. So a viscous liquid is produced.
  3. There is the availability of thermoplastics which can be recycled easily.
  4. They can behave as flame retardants.

Different types of Thermoplastics

  1. Polystyrene: A polymer composed of repeating units, styrene is termed polystyrene. It is also known as poly-phenylethene. It’s actually a thermoplastic polymer, which indicates that when warmed, it weakens and melts and may be reprocessed. It resists substances like acids and bases and makes a great electrical insulator.
  2. Polyvinyl chloride: PVC is properly known as Poly Vinyl Chloride. The polymerization of Vinyl Chloride creates PVC, a polymer. Several products, such as wires, raincoats, bottles, credit cards, etc. include PVC. It can be utilized to make a wide range of goods because it is fire and water-resistant.
  3. Polypropylene: Polymerized propylene is used to create the synthetic polymer known as polypropylene. Polypropylene is moulded or produced into a wide variety of plastic goods wherein hardness, elasticity, lightweight, and temperature resistance are necessary.
  4. Polyethylene: The most prevalent form of consumer plastic is polyethylene, which is also found in numerous everyday items. It’s a thermoplastic substance, which means that it can be repeatedly heated to a liquid state and then cooled to a solid state.

Influence of additives on the thermoplastics

  1. Contrary to unprotected polypropylene, it has poor resistance to UV light. Additives like limited amines reduce the light and enhance the lifespan of the material.
  2. Flame retardants, glass fibers, minerals, conductive fillers, colors, lubricants, and a range of many other polymer additives can be employed to enhance the mechanical and physical properties of polypropylene.

Application of Thermosets

  1. Thermoplastic is an ingredient in producing sporting goods. Toys can also be made with it.
  2. It is utilized in making the components of automobiles.
  3. The thermoplastic polymer is employed to manufacture containers including shampoo bottles, drinking bottles, and food storage bins.

Advantages of Thermosets

  1. It is a procedure that requires little energy.
  2.  It gives a wide range of good quality products.
  3. It produces very high-volume and precise manufacturing that is less expensive.
  4. Metals can be substituted by a variety of substances with significant weight-saving benefits.

Disadvantages of Thermoplastics 

The following drawbacks of thermoplastics may influence the choice of material:

  1. When exposed to UV rays or intense sunshine, thermoplastics deteriorate more quickly.
  2. Not every thermoplastic is resistant to polar solvents, organic solvents, or hydrocarbons.
  3. Some varieties exhibit creep when subjected to prolonged loading.
  4. Under severe load, breakage occurs instead of deformation.

Types of polypropylene

The two primary forms of polypropylene are copolymers and homo polymers. Block copolymers, as well as random copolymers, are two more categories of copolymers. Different applications match every class more effectively than others.


Thermoplastics are simple to reuse because they solidify after cooling and exhibit no changes in chemical properties after being warmed and cooled numerous times. The repeating unit like urethane moiety is used to make thermoplastic polyurethane. This thermoplastic is usually produced through the interaction of a di-isocyanate and a polyol (organic compound). TPU has low TM between 87 to 90 °C and low Tg at 25 °C.


Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why can thermoplastics be recycled?

Ans: The intermolecular interactions in thermoplastic polymers are weak despite their strength. They have great recyclability.  Plastics can become less reusable as they go through the recycling process due to a variety of applications.

2. Why is PAI the strongest thermoplastic?

Ans: At 21,000 psi, PAI – Polyamide Imide (PAI) has the greatest tensile strength of almost any plastic. The maximum tensile strength of every unreinforced thermoplastic, radiation tolerance, intrinsic low combustibility, smoke production, and good thermal stability are all characteristics of this efficient plastic.

3. Do thermoplastics have an acidic nature?

Ans: Based on a variety of factors, any item may be technically or inherently hazardous or safe. TPU is harmless for many purposes and isn’t necessarily hazardous. It is employed in the biomedical field as well. A variety of factors may lead to polymers’ toxic effects.

Category : Chemistry
Tags : intermolecular interaction , polyethylene , polystyrene , Temperature , Thermoplastic Polymers , Thermoplastics , thousands of monomers , Transparent granules of Polyethylene

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