Choose the right answer from the four alternatives given below from question 1 to 4.

1.Migrations change the number, distribution and composition of the population in

a) the area of departure

b) the area of arrival

c) both the area of arrival and departure

d) None of the above


The Correct option is (c) both the area of arrival and departure.

Reason - People migrate when they shift between different geographic areas. As it alters the socioeconomic makeup (size and makeup) of both the regions of departure and arrival, it is a significant factor in population change.

Internal migration is movement within a single nation, whereas international migration is movement across foreign borders.

Internal migration alters the demographic makeup of a region but has no effect on overall population growth.

Depending on the level of immigration and emigration, international movement can cause a population increase or decrease.

2.  A large proportion of children in a population is a result of

a) high birth rates

b) high life expectancies

c) high death rates

d) more married couples


The correct option is (a) High Birth Rates.

Reason - High birth rates cause a significant portion of the populace to be children. The total live births per 1,000 people in a community over the course of a year is the birth rate. Population increase is calculated using the birth rate. The high birth rate in India is due to a variety of factors, including early and universal marriage, the preference for male children, the joint family system, the climate, poverty, high infant mortality, a lack of familial welfare programs, inadequate recreational facilities, the influence of religion, and agricultural work.

3. The magnitude of population growth refers to

a) the total population of area

b) the number of persons added each year

c) the rate at which the population increases

d) the number of females per thousand males


The correct option is (b) the number of persons added each year.

Reason - The amount of people who are included in the population each year is referred to as the magnitude of population growth. It is obtained by merely deducting the earlier population from the later population (for instance, that of 1991). (E.g. that of 2001).  The absolute rise is the term used to describe it.

4. According to the Census, a “literate” person is one who

a) can read and write his/her name

b) can read and write any language

c) is 7 years old and can read and write any language with understanding

d) knows the 3 ‘R’s (reading, writing, arithmetic)


The correct option is (c) is 7 years old and can read and write any language with understanding.

Reason - An individual who independently develops the skills of reading and writing is said to be literate. A literate individual is one who is 7 years old and is able to read write in any language with understanding, according to the Census of 2001.

 Answer the following questions briefly from question 5 to 9

5.Why is the rate of population growth in India declining since 1981?


Since 1981, India's population growth rate has been steadily decreasing.

The fertility rate decreased as a result of family planning initiatives. 

The disparity between birth and death rates represents the population growth that occurs naturally.

6. Discuss the major components of population growth.


Birth Rate, Death Rate, and Migration are the three main drivers of population development. The rate of births is the quantity of live pregnancies per 1,000 people per year. Due to India's historically higher birth rates than death rates, it is a key driver of development. Mobility is the movement of individuals between areas and countries, and the mortality rate is the rate of deaths per thousand people in a year. Internal or external migration are both possible. Internal migration affects population distribution within a country but does not alter population growth. The makeup and distribution of the population are significantly altered by migration.

7. Define age structure, death rate and birth rate.


The amount of people in each age group in a nation is referred to as the population's age composition.

  • Notable determinants of a population's economic and social makeup include the proportions of infants, people in their working years, and people over the age of.

  • The population of the nation can be divided into three groups:

Children (under 15 years old) must be supplied with food, clothing, education, and medical care because they are economically unproductive. Consists of 34.4% of India's overall population.

Age Group in the Workforce (15-59 Years): Economically and biologically active. Regarded as the labor force. Represents 6.9% of India's entire populace.

Older (over 59): Even though they may be retired, older people can still be economically active. They might be employed, yet they are not open to hiring through advertising. Consists of 58.7% of India's entire populace.

Despite a decrease in growth rate, more people are added to the population every decade due to advances in healthcare that have reduced mortality rates and improved living conditions.

  • As a consequence of more people using birth control, the pace of growth in population has been decreasing.

  • The natural population growth is explained by the discrepancy between the birth rate and mortality rate.

8. How is migration a determinant factor of population change?


Migration, which is the migration of individuals across geographic boundaries, is a determining factor in population change. The demographics of the areas of arrival as well as departure are consequently altered. Immigration is the movement of a person into a location. An area's populace grows when people move there.

9. How is migration a determinant factor of population change?


At all scales, from the local to the global, people migrate. This is referred to as migration. Three factors—fertility, mortality, and migration—can alter the human population at any given moment. Human migration is important because it can lead to quick and unanticipated shifts in the number and density of people that go beyond those that are usually brought on by fertility and mortality. Immigration is the act of individuals migrating into an unfamiliar region to live there permanently, which results in an increase in the area's population. Migration away is the method of people moving permanently from one area to another, which causes the total population of the area to decline.

10.  Distinguish between population growth and population change.


  • Population Growth - Population Increase

There are two methods to think about population change: one is in terms of annual percentage change, as well as the other approach is in words of absolute numbers.

A shift in the population during a particular time period in a specific region or nation is referred to as population growth.

  • Population Change - Population shift is simply the alteration of the demographics of a population as a result of three different processes, including immigration, births, and deaths.

Rate of Birth

  • The birth rate is the number of live pregnancies per 1,000 people per year.

One of the main factors in India's population growth rate is birth rate, which has historically been greater than death rate.


  • Migration is a significant factor in demographic change.

Migration alters both the number of people of the population and the demographic makeup of both urban and rural regions.

Migration is the term used to describe the migration of people between various countries and regions.

  • Death Rate the amount of fatalities per 1,000 people per year is a measure of death rate.

11. What is the relation between occupational structure and development?


A less developed nation is suggested by a larger proportion of people working in primary industries like farming, raising livestock, forestry, and fishing.

In nations where people transition into secondary jobs like manufacturing, we observe more development.

A nation is considered to be highly developed if a significant portion of its workforce works in tertiary industries like banking, commerce, transportation, and administration.

12. What are the advantages of having a healthy population?


The benefits that come from having a healthy populace include the fact that healthy people are much more effective and productive than unhealthy people.

He as well as she has the capacity to fulfil their potential and contribute significantly to the social and economic progress of the country.

Where employees are in good condition, absenteeism is minimal.

A nation's workforce can be more productive if its people are in good condition. To lessen the financial strain on healthcare, every member of the ineffective age category has to be healthy.

13. What are the significant features of the National Population Policy 2000?


The federal government of India launched an extensive contraceptive program Programmed in 1952 after realizing that family planning would enhance personal health and wellbeing. The Family and Child Welfare Program has made an effort to encourage planned childbearing and responsible parenting on an as-needed basis. The Nation's Demographic Program (NDP) 2000 is the result of many months of preparation. In accordance with the NPP 2000, all children must receive free and compulsory education up to the age of 14, infant mortality must be brought down to below 30 deaths per 1,000 live births, all children must receive universal immunization toward all vaccine-preventable diseases, girls should be encouraged to postpone marriage, and family welfare must become a people-centered initiative.