1. The following statements each have a true (T) and a false (F) indicator.

A ) All creatures move and move around in exactly the same ways.

B ) Cartilage is more durable than bone.

C ) .There are no joints in the finger bones.

D ) The bones in the forearm are two.


(A) False . 

Reason : Because animal locomotion and mobility are influenced by their physical makeup. Animals with various physical types therefore have various forms of movement.

( B) False . 

Reason :Because they may be bent easily and are not as hard as bones.

( C) False. 

Reason : As finger bones have joints as well.

(D) True . 

Reason :According to the response.

2 . The Complete the gaps.

  (A). Bone joints contribute to the body's ———————. 

 ( B ).The ______ of the body is made up of a combination of bones and cartilages.

(C). At the elbow, a _____________________ joint connects the bones.

(D).  During motion, the bones are pulled by the contraction of the .


(A). Bone joints facilitate  mobility the gaps

( B). The Skeleton of the body is made up of a variety of bones and cartilages.

(C). At the elbow, a hinge joint connects the bones.

(d) During movement, the bones are pulled by the muscles are  they contract. within the body.

3. Respond to the following:

(A). What are ball and socket joints, in general?

(B). Which skull bone can be moved?

(C ).  Why can't we move our elbows backward?

Explanation :

(A) There are two bones that make up the ball and socket joint. The other bone creates a socket, and one of them is rounded. Due to the excellent fit between the two bones, rotary motion is possible in all directions. The shoulders and thighs of the body both have this kind of joint.

(B) The  only movable bone in the skull is the mandible, or lower jaw bone.

(C) The elbow joint in our arm is a hinge joint. These joints only permit movement in one plane and at an angle of 180°. Hence, we are unable to bend our elbows backward.

4.  Combine one or more of the things from Column II with the items in Column I.

Table I 

Table II

Higher jaw 

Puts fins on your body. 


A external skeleton. 


They have ability to fly 


An immobile joint 


Heart protecting 

Extremely sluggish movement 

Posses a slim body 

Explanation :     

Table I 

Table II

Higher jaw 

It is a fixed joint


Have a body with fins and a streamlined appearance 


Guard the heart 


It has an external skeleton and moves very  slowly 


It has an external skeleton and can fly