1. Which of the following body components aids in our ability to move?

(a) bones      (b) skin       (c)  muscles    (d) Organs

Choose the right response from the list of options below.

(a) (i) and (iii) 

(b) (ii) and (iiv) 

(c) I and (iv) 

(d) (ii) and (iii)


(a): I and (iii)

A body's skeleton, or bony framework, serves as its structural foundation. Our bodily components can move with the assistance of our skeleton and muscles. Bones are rigid and incapable of self-bending. The body may move thanks to the joints.

The tendons, which are strong connecting bands, are what join muscles, which are like elastic bands, to the bones. Bone movement is assisted by muscles through pull and contraction. Muscles surround and cover the bones.

2. Which of the following joints cannot be moved?

(a) Shoulder and arm

 (b) knee and joint

(c) upper jaw and skull are examples of body parts 

(d) both the lower and upper jaws


(c) the skull and the upper jaw

Since they are fixed joints, the joints in the upper jaw and skull cannot move.

3. Which of the following organisms does not contain both skeletal and muscular structures for movement?

(a) Dog         (b) snail        (c) earthworm         (d) human being



Muscles and endoskeletons are present in both humans and dogs.

Exoskeletons and muscles are features of snails.

The skeleton of an earthworm is absent. It has two separate sets of muscles, one of which makes it long and lean and the other of which makes it fat. The tensing and untensing of

Movement is aided by these muscles.

4.  Underwater divers have fin-like flippers on their feet so they can

 (a) swim more easily             (b) appear to be fish      (c) walk on the water's surface

 (d) walk on the sea floor (sea bed).


 (a): Be able to swim in water

Divers wear fin-like flippers on their feet while swimming because the muscles in their feet contract, producing a curve on one side that resembles a wave, and the fin-like flippers move in the opposite direction, exerting force against the water around them that propels the underwater divers forward.

5. A snail's work together to help it move.

(a) shell        (b) bones         (c) muscles        (d) foot work together to help it move.


 (c): a strong foot

When the snail moves, its strong foot extends outside and adheres to the earth. In order to create a slick path for movement, a snail's foot contains a unique gland that secretes slimy mucus.

6. How many muscles must cooperate in order to move a bone?

(a) One                 (b) Two                (c) Three               (d)Four


 (b): Two

7. Identify the hand joint type that enables you to grasp a badminton racquet.


Our fingers' hinge joints enable us to grab objects like badminton racquets.

8. If our backbone had only been one bone, what might have happened?


We would not have been able to bend and twist our backs if our backbone consisted of just one bone.

9. Respond to the questions below in one word.

1. movement in all directions is possible at this joint.

2. anything solid that makes up the skeleton.

3. the body part that has a fixed joint.

4. By contracting and relaxing, assist in the movement of the body.

a group of bones that connect to the backbone and the chest bone, respectively, at their distal ends.

5. bones that support and support our body in shape.

6. skeletal structures that protect the organs in our bodies that are located below the abdomen.

7. where our neck and head converge.

8. the earlobe's supporting bones.


 The short answers are listed below:

1. a ball and socket joint

2. Bone

3. skull and upper jaw together

4. Muscles

5. Ribs

6. skull Pelvic bones

7. essential joint

8. Cartilage

10.  Identify the joint type that is used for each of the movements in the following list.

(A) A bowler in cricket bowls the ball.

(b) A girl turns her head to the right and left.

(c) Someone works out with weights to develop his biceps.


(a) Ball and socket joints and hinge joints

(b) Pivotal joint

(c) Hinge joint

11. Match the name of the animals given in Column I with their body parts used for movement given in Column II.

Column I                                                             Column II

(a) Human being                                                (i) Fins

(b) Cow                                                                 (ii) Wings

(c) Snake                                                           (iii) Legs

(d) Eagle                                                           (iv) Whole-body

(e) Fish                                                                (v) Limbs


 Here is the correct match:

Column I                                     Column II

(a) Human being                                     (iii) Legs

(b) Cow                                                     (v) Limbs

(c) Snake                                     (iv) Whole-body

(d) Eagle                                     (ii) Wings

(e) Fish                                                     (i) Fins

12. A list of several animal movement kinds is provided below.

[Jumping, Walking, Slithering, Crawling, Flying, Swimming, Creeping, and Running] Note the various animal movements for each one.

(a) A duck  

(b) a horse

(c) a kangaroo

(d) a snail

(e) a snake 

(f)a fish

 (g) a human being 

(h) Cockroach 


(a) Ducks can walk, fly, and swim.

(b) Running, Walking Horse

(c) Jumping Kangaroo

(d) Crawling, Creeping Snail

(e) Slithering snake

(f) Swimming Fish

(g) Walking, Running, Jumping, Swimming, and Crawling are all human motions.

(h) Walking, Flying, and Running Cockroach

13. Boojho injured his ankle after falling off a tree. The doctor found that the ankle was fractured after doing an examination. How was it found out?


An ankle X-ray must have been performed by a medical professional who saw edoema in the affected area. Images of our body's bones can be taken utilising the X-ray technology to reveal the desired area. The doctor may have determined that the ankle had a fracture by glancing at the x-ray.

14.  Bones are solid, immovable structures. But we can still flex our knees, elbows, and other joints. How is that even possible?


Our ability to bend body parts like our elbows, knees, and backs is made possible by the existence of several types of joints between the bones.

The elbow and knee are constructed of two or more bones connected by hinge joints rather than a single bone. We can bend our elbow and knee with the assistance of this joint and our muscles.

15.  what kind of mobility would have been possible?

(a) If our elbow joint had been fixed 

(b) Our neck and head were supposed to be connected by a ball and socket joint.


(a) Our elbow wouldn't move if it were a fixed joint. The only thing that might be possible is movement, like pointing, etc.

(b) We would be able to turn our heads 360 degrees, or in all directions.

16. Earthworms are said to as "farmers' pals." Why?


 Earthworms are referred to as "farmer's friends" since they enhance the soil's texture and quality. They loosen the soil by digging into it, allowing air to travel through and water to drain from it. The soil can breathe more easily. With the excretion of partially digested items into the soil, earthworms also improve soil fertility.

17.  (a) Sort the jumbled words and enter them in the corresponding blank spaces.

(i) neosb ..................

(ii) tnemevom 

(iii) Iontcaronct.......................... .

(iv) lsecsum The following are included: ............................

(v) arctigeal ..............................

(vi) epahs ...........................

(vii) sangro inerlant ........................

(viii) Laxaeriont.............................

(b) After reading the next text, use the words you unlocked to fill in the blanks.

The human body's skeleton is made up of _ (a) and _ (b). They provide the structure, nourish the organism, and aid in (d). They safeguard the (e) . The bones are moved by two sets of alternate (f) and (g) (h)........... attached to them.



(i) Bones   (ii) movement      (iii) Contraction        (iv) Muscles        (v) Cartilage          (vi) Shape

(vii) Internal organs       (viii) Relaxation


(a) Bones       (b) Cartilage         (c) shape           (d) movement           (e) Internal organs                           

(f) Contraction      (g) Relaxation       (h) Muscles

18. How does a bird's skeleton lend itself to flight?


The skeleton of a bird is well-suited for flight due to the following characteristics:

(i) Bones are light and hollow.

(ii) The body's streamlined design makes it easier to move through the air.

(iii) The bones in the hind limbs are designed specifically for perching, hopping, and walking.

(iv) Wings are fashioned out of the forelimbs' bones to allow for flight.

(v) The breastbones house the muscles of flight and are utilised to raise and lower the wings.

(vi) Strong shoulder bones.

19.  Two snakes of the same size can be seen writhing on the sand in Fig. 8.2. Which of them would move more quickly, and why?


 Snake "A" will advance more quickly than snake "B." As a snake slithers, loops form on its body. The snake moves forward by pressing against the earth in each of its loops. As a result, the snake with more loops moves considerably more quickly than the snake with fewer loops.