1. What benefit of sleep is most obvious?


The most evident benefit of sleep is that it aids in our body's ability to bounce back from the exhaustion brought on by the day's activities. It aids in mind- and body-relaxation by providing rest for our worn-out bodies. After a nap, we often feel more awake and energised, and it gets us ready to tackle the day tasks.

2. The most evident benefit of sleep is that it aids in our body's ability to bounce back from the exhaustion brought on by the day's activities. It aids in mind- and body-relaxation by providing rest for our worn-out bodies. After a nap, we often feel more awake and energised, and it gets us ready to tackle the day tasks.


While we are sleeping, our body's muscles will be remarkably relaxed, and our heartbeat, as well as our body's temperature and blood pressure, will also slow down. Our bodies go through this process while we sleep.

3. In your own words, describe a dream.


A dream is an unconsciously occurring mental activity in which we may encounter a variety of pictures, feelings, and sensations that frequently occur during the different phases of our sleep.

4. Why are dreams so important? Provide two reasons.


Dreams matters because of the two main factors. They include, for instance, the following:

  1. They assist us in being conscious of our underlying worries and anxieties.

  2. They occasionally give us the answers to some of our mental problems.

5. Why is sleep seen as a miracle?


Because no one has been able to definitively prove or explain what causes sleep, it has been considered a miracle. It is a deep state of sleep that takes us away to a dream world and enables us to flee from the outside world. The ideal physical, mental, and emotional growth of a person is frequently said to require adequate sleep.

6. Provide a brief explanation of one of your most unlikely dreams to the class.


I had a dream one night that I had won the lottery's $10 million prize. With the winnings, I bought my family members lovely presents, a magnificent car, and a home. In our vehicle, we travelled to Ladakh for a vacation. As I slammed on the brakes as I was driving, the car jerkily came to a stop. After a moment of shock, I realised it was all a dream as I awoke and found myself sleeping in bed.

7. What exactly does the author mean by "sleep"?


The exact meaning of the “sleep” which is meant by the author is that sleep is a condition of relaxation and peacefulness for our mind, which also improves our mood and we will be freshen and our thoughts would be good and clean without any distractions. 

8. Why is a restful night's sleep essential?


The restful night’s sleep is very essential because of, the sleep gives our worn-out bodies a rest state to take a break. Then we will be feeling very energised, alert, and fresh after a good night's sleep.


When we sleep, we begin to dream something we are curious about or any matter we have taken interest and thought about it most of the day then we dream about it. While dreaming our bodies unwind, falling body temperature, our heart rate slows down. The constantly engaged brain slows down as well.

10. How do dreams work?


Dreams create enigmatic narratives by fusing linguistic, visual, and emotional inputs.

Dreaming is all about our mental activities that are only possible while we are asleep.

11. What benefit of sleep is most obvious?


The most evident benefit of sleep is that it aids in our body's ability to bounce back from the exhaustion brought on by the day's activities. It aids in mind- and body-relaxation by providing rest for our worn-out bodies. After a nap, we often feel more awake and energised, and it gets us ready to tackle the day tasks.

12. Why is sleep seen as a miracle?


Because no one has been able to definitively prove or explain what causes sleep, it has been considered a miracle. It is a deep state of sleep that takes us away to a dream world and enables us to flee from the outside world. The ideal physical, mental, and emotional growth of a person is frequently said to require adequate sleep.

13. Provide a brief explanation of one of your most unlikely dreams to the class.


I had a dream one night that I had won the lottery's $10 million prize. With the winnings, I bought my family members lovely presents, a magnificent car, and a home. In our vehicle, we travelled to Ladakh for a vacation. As I slammed on the brakes as I was driving, the car jerkily came to a stop. After a moment of shock, I realised it was all a dream as I awoke and found myself sleeping in bed.

14. Are all of our dreams likely or unlikely?


A few dreams are probably true as dreamed. It also implies that many of the events in dreams could be actually occur while we are awake. Sometimes feel like it has happened before also that means “Déjà vu”. Therefore, dreams like this are likely, other dreams, however, are unlikely.

15. What one thing cannot be predicted by dreams?


To know what happens in the future is the one thing which cannot be predicted by the dreams because dreams becomes true something or sometimes they don’t and there is nothing which can predict the future so dreams also can’t predict the future.

16. What findings about dreams have certain doctors made?


Some medical professionals believe that our dreams can hold the key to finding solutions to issues.

Therefore,  there are some doctors who believes that they can solve the problems of the patients by knowing their dreams and from that they try to find a solution for their illness.

17. Why is sleep referred to be a wonder by the author?


The good tonic is sleep. Following a restful night's sleep, the body and brain become less worn out. A condition of relaxation is sleep. We feel rested, attentive, and prepared for the daily activities when we first wake up. Our heart beats more slowly while we sleep and our muscles relax. Most people's experiences are related to sleep. However relatively few people are aware of its remarkable qualities. Sleep is a healthy tonic. The body and brain feel less exhausted after a good night's sleep. Sleep is a need of relaxation. When we first wake up, we feel refreshed, alert, and ready for the day's activities. Sleep causes our muscles to relax and our heartbeat to slow down. Sleep has a major role in most people's experiences. Yet, not many are aware of its exceptional attributes.

18.  What is the meaning of the dream? What exactly is a dream? 


As we fall asleep, we experience weird, amusing, and occasionally terrifying dreams. When we are asleep, the brain is unable to think or act consciously. Some dreams are plausible and might actually occur while we are awake. Most of them, though, are ludicrous. Dreams are crucial because they enable us to sleep even in the presence of noise. Some doctors claim that dreams can predict the future or offer answers to problems. However, this is not entirely accurate. We have strange, funny, and even spooky dreams as we go to sleep. When we are sleeping, the brain is unable to think or act consciously. Some dreams are believable and may actually occur while we are awake. Most of them, though, are absurd. Dreams are essential because they allow us to sleep through noise. Some physicians think that dreams may forecast the future or give answers to issues. Yet, this is not totally correct.