1. State any two conditions essential for good health.


Two conditions essential for good health are given below:

1. Mentally & physically should be strong.

2. Good environment.

2. State any two conditions essential for being free of disease.


Two conditions essential for being free of disease are listed below:

1. hygiene in the home and personally.

2. Cleanliness everywhere.

3. Are the answers to the above questions necessarily the same or different? Why?


The answers to the above questions can be different because
a person is disease-free, they might not be in good mental, social, or financial health

4. List any three reasons why you would think that you are sick and ought to see a doctor. If only one of these symptoms were present, would you still go to the doctor? Why or why not?


1. Runny nose

2. Cough

3. Fever

They suggest that an illness might exist, but they do not specify what the condition is. In order to receive treatment and learn what is causing

the aforementioned symptoms, one would still go to the doctor.

To receive the right care, one should visit a doctor even if just one symptom is present.

5. In which of the following case do you think the long-term effects on your health are likely to be most unpleasant?


Lice & acne do not create any long term effect .
Jaundice is a chronic condition which may effect body very badly. It may make the body of a  person week.

6.Why are we normally advised to take bland and nourishing food when we are sick?


The body weakens and the digestive system malfunctions when one is ill. So, it is advisable to eat foods that are simple to digest during this time as well as those that are nutrient-rich. Whenever the body is ill or infected, its immunity declines. For a quick recovery, bland and healthy food is provided.

7. What are the different means by which infectious diseases are spread?


he most common ways that infectious diseases are transmitted are by water, the air, mosquitoes as vectors, physical contact, sexual contact, or by using the sick person's clothing, bedding, utensils, etc.

8. What precautions can you take in your school to reduce the incidence of infectious diseases?


The following are some precautions that can be taken at our school to lower the prevalence of infectious diseases:

1. Using hygienic, clean water.

2. Preventing the buildup of water in the environment.

3. Maintaining a spotless toilet.

4. bathing every day

5 Consume a healthy diet.

9. What is immunisation?


Immunisation is the process of enhancing our
immune systems with the use of vaccines that support the body's defences against infectious diseases

10. What are the immunisation programs available at the nearest health centre in your locality? Which of these diseases are the major health problems in your area?


The following immunisation programme is available at the nearest health centre in our locality:

1. Immunisation for infants – DPT, BCG, polio,

2. For children – Typhoid, TT, DT, 

3. For pregnant women— TT and hepatitis .

TT, typhoid are major health problem  .

11. How many times did you fall ill in the last year? What were the illnesses? (a). Think of one change you could make in your habits in order to avoid any of/most of the above illnesses.

(b). Think of one change you would wish for in your surroundings in order to avoid any of/most of the above illnesses.


I fell ill once in the last year. I suffered from fever & cold.

  1. always do exercises could avoid that .

(i) I will always wash my hands after drinking pure water and before consuming any meal.

(ii) I'll live in a healthy setting free from disease-transmitting vectors.

Mosquitoes are a prime example of multiplying vectors.

(b) Making clean drinking water accessible to the public is one improvement I would like to see in our environment in order to have a healthy society. Many infectious diseases have their origins in the consumption of contaminated water.

12. A doctor/nurse/health worker is exposed to more sick people than others in the community. Find out how she/he avoids getting sick herself/himself.


While treating patients who are sicker than other members of the community, the doctor, nurse, or other health professional should

take the following crucial precautions:

(A) When in close proximity to a sick individual, don't forget to wear a mask.

(b) Using filtered water to drink.

(b) Maintaining good hygiene and cleanliness.

13. Conduct a survey in your neighbourhood to find out what the three most common diseases are. Suggest three steps that could be taken by your local authorities to bring down the incidence of these diseases.


The following three are the most common diseases in any neighbourhood:

Cold and cough, fever

Some preventiion  that can be taken are as follows:

(a). By drinking Filtered water.

(b). By maintaining cleanliness in surroundings.

(c) By awareing people about diseases. 

14. A baby is not able to tell her caretakers that she is sick. What would help us to find out:


(a). It can be determined by observing the child's behavioural changes, such as:

• Inappropriate dietary intake 

• Continuous weeping

• Frequent mood swings

b). With the aid of the child's symptoms or indicators, the illness can be identified. There may be loose stools, nausea, body bluishness, and fever as symptoms.

15. Under which of the following conditions is a person most likely to fall sick?


When recovering from malaria while on a four-day fast and caring for someone who has chickenpox, a person is more susceptible to getting sick.
This is due to the fact that she is fasting while recovering and that her immune system is unable to defend her body from any external infections. She has a greater possibility of contracting the chickenpox virus at this point and developing the illness once more if she is caring for someone who is ill with it.

16. Under which of the following conditions are you most likely to fall sick?


When a friend has the measles, a person is more likely to get sick. This is due to how rapidly measles may spread through the air and how contagious it is
.Close physical contact or direct contact with bodily secretions can result in the transmission of this extremely contagious virus through coughing and sneezing. So, it is advisable to avoid them if a buddy has measles in order to avoid contracting the disease.