Which country or countries do you think “the Northland” refers to?

Cold areas of the globe are referred to as "the northland," particularly those that are found near the northern polar caps of the planet. Canada, Greenland, Norway, and other nations are located in these regions.

How did he punish her?

When the woman gave him a little cake, the saint became enraged. The woman was punished by becoming a woodpecker, which bore holes in "hard, dry wood" all day long and constructed "like birds do" to acquire little food.

Is this a true story? Which part of this poem do you feel is the most important?

This tale is not true, sorry. That is an urban myth.

According to me, the poem's most significant passage is:

You are way too selfish, he continued.

living in a human form, having both food and a place to stay together with a fire to keep you warm.

This demonstrates the need for us to take action on behalf of mankind since we are capable of doing it in human form. We ought to be grateful that we have food, a place to live, and a fire. We ought to show others kindness.

What is a legend? Why is this poem called a legend?

A "legend" is a story that has been passed down from one generation to the next. The stories are mythical and do not have a scientific explanation. It has a moral or message. The poet begins by stating that although he doesn't buy into the story, he considers the message to be enlightening. This myth tells us to be kind to our fellow living things.

Write the story of ‘A Legend of the Northland’ in about ten sentences.

Saint Peter knocked on the door of a senior citizen who cooked cakes. He wanted the woman to satisfy his hunger since he was weak and hungry after a day of fasting. He begged the woman to give him one of her bakery's cakes. Due to her ego, the lady refused to give the saint a larger cake. She repeatedly made smaller cakes for her, but each time they were large enough for her to present. Her inner consciousness wasn't ready to let go of her either when she eventually cooked a cake that was as thin as a wafer. She angered the saint, who turned her into a woodpecker in response to her behaviour. To create a nest where she could reside, she would have to drill through the dense wood of the trees. The bird is still said to exist today, according to mythology, in the forest.

Let’s look at the words at the end of the second and fourth lines, viz., ‘snows’ and ‘clothes’, ‘true’ and ‘you’, ‘below’ and ‘know.’ We find that ‘snows’ rhymes with ‘clothes’, ‘true’ rhymes with ‘you’ and ‘below’ rhymes with ‘know’.

Find more such rhyming words

The words "few" and "through" rhyme.

both "Earth" and "hearth" One and "done"

Lay and go away "One," then "done" "That" and "flat"

I and the "shelf" "Saint" and "faint"

Warm and formal Wood and "food" A word and a bird

Similar and flame "Food" and "wood"

Go to the local library or talk to older persons in your locality and find legends in your own language. Tell the class these legends.

There was a nymph by the name of Echo who spoke a lot. Due to the character of the great Juno and Echo, she was unpleasant to him. She was chastised by Juno, who turned her into a simple parrot. Only what others would have said could she repeat. Since she was embarrassed by herself, Echo forgot her natural personality and buried herself in the forest. When he was looking for his pals in a forest, Narcissus, a young guy with golden hair, once caught sight of her. Instead of his pals, he noticed Echo as he followed the voice and hastily turned around. Echo stopped being a person and stopped leaving the jungle ever since that day. It can only be heard in desolate areas and deep woodlands, and it always has a tone of a sorrowful person.

What is the moral of this poem?

It is clear from this poetry that genuine happiness comes from giving to those in need. Happiness in life cannot be induced by greed. Due to our compassion, we are able to understand the suffering of others and have a large social network. The greedy, on the other hand, are usually alone and have few acquaintances.

What quality do saints show based on this poem?

According to the poem's lines, saints are often enlightened individuals who have attained some divine authority. They are not influenced by wealth, which is something that most people want. Their only requirement for survival is food. To learn lessons, they choose to take trips throughout the world.

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