1. Name the elements that determine the weather of a place.


The weather of a place is determined by a complex interplay of various elements, including the latitude and altitude of the location, prevailing winds and their direction, humidity levels, temperature, air pressure, precipitation, and the presence of any nearby water bodies or landforms.

2. When are the maximum and minimum temperatures likely to occur during the day?


The maximum temperature will likely occur around mid-afternoon when the Sun is highest in the sky and has had the most time to warm the Earth's surface. The minimum temperature is likely to occur during the early morning hours, just before sunrise, as the Earth's surface cools off during the night due to radiative cooling. However, these timings can vary depending on factors like latitude, altitude, weather patterns, and time of the year.

3. Explain, with examples, why we find animals of certain kinds living in particular climatic conditions.


Animals are adapted to live in specific climatic conditions based on various factors like temperature, humidity, precipitation, and vegetation. For example, polar bears are adapted to living in cold climates with ice and snow cover, while camels are adapted to hot desert conditions where water is scarce.

4. What is climate? 


Climate refers to the long-term patterns and variations in weather conditions of a particular region or the Earth. Climate can vary across different areas due to differences in latitude, altitude, and proximity to water bodies.

5. How do elephants living in the tropical rainforest adapt themselves?


Elephants living in tropical rainforests have adapted to their environment in various ways. They have long trunks to help them reach food and water sources in the dense forest undergrowth and large ears to help dissipate heat in the humid climate. They also have thick skin that helps protect them from insect bites and diseases, and strong legs to navigate muddy terrain.

6. During the rainy season, how do we protect ourselves from rainwater?


During the rainy season, people use a variety of items to protect themselves from rainwater, including umbrellas, raincoats, rain boots, and waterproof jackets. Umbrellas are famous for their portability and convenience, while raincoats and jackets provide full-body protection from the rain.

7. A fish dies when taken out of the water, whereas a wall lizard will die if kept underwater. Mention the term to describe such abilities that allow fish and lizards to survive in their respective habitats.


The abilities of fish and lizards to survive in their respective habitats are due to their adaptations, which allow them to meet the challenges of their environments. The ability of an organism to survive and thrive in its habitat is known as its adaptation. In the case of fish, their adaptations include gills, which allow them to extract oxygen from water, while the adaptations of lizards include lungs that enable them to breathe air.

8. Which is the most critical factor in determining the climate of a place?


Many factors influence the climate of a place, including latitude, altitude, proximity to water bodies, prevailing winds, and topography. However, the most critical factor in determining the climate of a place is the amount of incoming solar radiation. This solar radiation is the primary driver of the Earth's climate system and therefore plays a crucial role in shaping the climate of a particular region.

9. Give one example of an animal living in water and on land.


One example of an animal that can live in water and on land is the amphibian, specifically the frog. Frogs start their life as aquatic tadpoles and then undergo metamorphosis to become semi-aquatic adults that can live on land and in water. They have adaptations that enable them to breathe both air and water.

10. There are several elements of weather. The weather report carries information about which the features of the weather.


The weather report carries information about various elements of weather, including temperature, humidity, precipitation, wind speed and direction, atmospheric pressure, and cloud cover. The report may also include information about severe weather conditions, such as thunderstorms and tornadoes. 

11. Who are meteorologists?


Meteorologists are scientists who study the Earth's atmosphere, weather patterns, and climate. They use various tools and techniques, including computer models, satellite data, and ground-based observations, to forecast weather conditions. 

12. What are the primary sources of energy which cause changes in the weather?


The primary source of energy that causes weather changes is solar radiation from the Sun. This energy drives atmospheric processes such as temperature, wind, and precipitation patterns. Other factors include Earth's rotation, topography, and ocean currents.

13. In the North-Eastern regions of India, which type of climate is found?


The North-Eastern regions of India have a humid subtropical climate with heavy rainfall throughout the year. The area experiences high temperatures and humidity levels during summer, with occasional heat waves. The temperature drops during winter but remains mild, with rare snowfall in higher elevations.

14. Why is it difficult to predict the weather of a place while it is easy to predict its climate?


Predicting the weather of a specific place is problematic because it involves forecasting short-term atmospheric conditions, which are influenced by various factors, such as temperature and pressure, that are constantly changing. In contrast, predicting the climate of a place involves:

  • Analyzing long-term weather patterns, which are influenced by more stable factors, such as geography.

  • Ocean currents.

  • Making it relatively easier to predict.

15. How is climate different from weather?


Climate and weather are related but distinct concepts. Weather refers to the short-term atmospheric conditions of a particular place, such as temperature, humidity, wind speed, and precipitation. In contrast, climate refers to the long-term patterns of weather that characterize a specific region over many years.

16. How is fog formed?


Fog is formed when water droplets in the air become suspended and condense into tiny droplets near the ground. This occurs when the air near the surface cools to its dew point, causing the moisture in the mood to condense into visible water droplets.

17.  Mention two adaptive features of a penguin that help it in swimming.


Penguins have several adaptive features that help them in swimming, including a streamlined body shape, webbed feet, and waterproof feathers. Their wings have evolved into flippers that aid in swimming, allowing them to move quickly through the water.

18. Some animals can match their surroundings. State the property of such animals. 


The ability of animals to match their surroundings is known as camouflage. Camouflage is a property that enables animals to blend into their environment, making them less visible to predators or prey. This adaptation can take various forms, such as changing colouration, patterns, or texture to match the surroundings, e.g. Polar bears. 

19. A colourful bird has a long and large beak and lives in the tropical rainforest. Which bird is this?


Toucan is a colourful bird in Central and South American tropical rainforests. Toucans have distinctive, long, and brightly coloured beaks that reach fruit and other food sources. They have many colours on their bodies, including black, white, yellow, and red. 

20. The polar bears are white. Explain why?


Polar bears are white as camouflage, allowing them to blend in with their snowy environment and more effectively hunt their prey. The polar bear's fur is transparent and hollow, which helps to scatter and reflect sunlight, creating a white appearance.

21. Why do desert animals live in caves?


Burrows provide a refuge from the extreme temperatures of the desert. The temperature in a burrow is generally cooler than the surrounding air during the day and warmer at night. Burrows offer protection from predators such as snakes, birds of prey, and other desert predators. 

23. What is humidity?


Humidity is a measure of the amount of water vapour present in the air. The amount of water vapour present in the air compared to the maximum amount of water vapour that the air can hold at a particular temperature and pressure.

24.  Which instrument is used to measure rainfall? Explain. 


The instrument used to measure rainfall is called a rain gauge. The most common type of rain gauge is a cylinder-shaped container with a funnel on top to collect the rainfall. It is a simple instrument that contains and measures the precipitation (rain, snow, sleet, or hail) that falls in a specific location over a certain period.

25. How does the ability to camouflage help an animal?


Camouflage is a necessary adaptation that helps animals survive in their environments by allowing them to blend in and avoid detection. Some of these ways are- 

Avoiding Predators: Camouflage helps animals blend into their surroundings, making it harder for predators to spot them.

Hunting Prey: Camouflage can also help predators blend into their surroundings, making it easier to sneak up on their prey without being detected.

26. Name the elements that determine the weather of a place.


The weather of a place is determined by several elements, including:

Temperature: This refers to the amount of heat in the air and is measured using a thermometer.

Air pressure: This is the force exerted by the weight of the air and is measured using a barometer.

Humidity: This is the amount of moisture in the air and is measured using a hygrometer.

Wind: This refers to air movement and is measured using an anemometer.

27. What is the climate like in North East India?


The climate in North East India is influenced by its proximity to the Himalayas, which affects the amount of rainfall and temperature fluctuations in the region. The region is also prone to natural disasters such as floods, landslides, and earthquakes due to its location and heavy rainfall.

28. What is called maximum and minimum thermometers?


Maximum and minimum thermometers are specialized thermometers used to measure the highest and lowest temperatures that occur over a certain period. A maximum thermometer measures the highest temperature reached since the last reset. A minimum thermometer measures the lowest temperature reached since the last reset.  

29. Why do toucans have big beaks, and what purpose does it serve?


Toucans have big beaks because it serves several important purposes:

Feeding: Toucans use their large beaks to feed on a variety of foods, including fruit, insects, and small animals.

Defence: The large, colourful beak of a toucan serves as a warning to potential predators. 

Communication: Toucans use their beaks to communicate with one another

30. What kind of information does a weather report carry?


A weather report provides information about a particular region's current and forecasted weather conditions. The information provided in a weather report may vary depending on the source and purpose of the report. Weather reports include Temperature, UV index, wind, precipitation, humidity, additional information, such as satellite imagery, radar maps, and forecasts for specific activities such as boating, skiing, or hiking. 

31. How do migratory birds find their way?


Migratory birds have evolved various navigational strategies to survive long migrations. Many birds use the position of the Sun, moon, and stars to navigate. Birds have a specialized sense to detect Earth's magnetic field. This sense is believed to help them navigate by providing an internal compass. Some birds are supposed to use their sense of smell to navigate by detecting changes in the scent of the air as they fly over different regions.

32. Do all seven days have the same maximum and minimum temperatures, humidity and rainfall? Give reason


No, all seven days of a week are unlikely to have the same maximum and minimum temperatures, humidity, and rainfall. This is because many factors, including atmospheric pressure, wind patterns, and the location of high and low-pressure systems, influence weather conditions. These factors can change daily, leading to variations in weather conditions.

33. How is weather a complex phenomenon?


The weather is a complex phenomenon that can vary over brief periods. It can sometimes happen that it is sunny in the morning, but suddenly clouds appear from nowhere, and it starts raining heavily. Or, a heavy rain may vanish in minutes and give way to bright sunshine. Since the weather is such a complex phenomenon, it isn't easy to predict.

34. All changes in the weather are caused by the Sun. Explain


The Sun provides heat and light energy to Earth, which is absorbed by the atmosphere, oceans, and land surface, creating the conditions that give rise to weather. The Sun also plays a role in the water cycle, a fundamental process that drives weather patterns. Solar energy causes the evaporation of water from the Earth's surface, leading to the formation of clouds and precipitation.

35. How do elephants living in the tropical rainforest adapt?


Elephants in the rainforest have a varied diet that includes leaves, bark, fruits, and seeds. This allows them to find food throughout the year, even during the wet season when some food sources may be scarce. Elephants need to drink a lot of water to stay hydrated, and in the rainforest, they have access to numerous water sources, including rivers, streams, and pools. These are the few ways elephants adapt themselves and play their part in survival.