1. The story of an ant’s life sounds almost untrue.

The italicized phrase means

(i) highly exaggerated.

(ii) too remarkable to be true.

(iii) not based on facts.


(i) enormously inflated. 

2. Complete the following sentences.

(i) An ant is the smallest, _______________________________________.

(ii) We know a number of facts about an ant’s life because _______________________.


(i) The tiniest and most prevalent bug we have seen is an ant.

(ii) Because some people have kept ants as pets and closely watched them, we are aware of a number of details regarding an ant's existence. 

3. In what ways is an ant’s life peaceful?


Because they all carry out their tasks bravely, honestly, and wisely, ants lead peaceful lives. They avoid obstructing one another. 

4.  How long does it take an ant grub to fully develop?


 It takes the grub two to three weeks to mature into a cocoon, and another three weeks for it to become a mature ant.


5.Why do the worker ants transport the grubs around, question two?


The worker ants move the grubs frequently so they can get exercise, fresh air, and sunlight

6.What positions do new ants receive training for?


New ants are taught how to be workers, cleaners, soldiers, builders, etc. by more experienced ants. List some additional anthill inhabitants.


7. List three lessons that we can take away from the "little instructor." Explain your selection of these goods.


Three lessons can be drawn from the "little teacher": diligence, cleanliness, loyalty, and care for the welfare of children.


Answer the following questions:

8.  What issues are you most likely to encounter if you keep ants as pets?

(ii) A group of bees will dance to let other bees know where and how much nectar they have found. Can you guess what ants communicate with one another by touching feelers?



I Keeping ants as pets could lead to a number of problems. They'd begin consuming both our food and other foods. They itch. They won't follow our instructions.

(ii) Ants use their feelers to make communication about newly found food with other ants. 

9.  Using the words in the box below, complete the following poem. then read the poem aloud.

 Troops are housed in barracks.

 additionally, birds in

 like a snake that is lazing around

 In a . No equine can

 not to sleep in a .

 A dog also lives happily.

 But only in a _________, mind you.

 If you will, to say hello to an ant,

 You might need to climb a

Stable, anthill, kennel, nests, and a hole 


Troops are housed in barracks.

 also nesting birds,

like a snake that is lazing around

 in a crater. No equine can

 to rest anywhere but a stable.

 A dog also lives happily.

However, just in a kennel.

 If you will, to say hello to an ant,

 You might need to scale an anthill. 

10.Who and how takes care of the grubs? 


The grubs are run by troops and workers. Soldiers watch over them. Workers transport them everyday for airing, exercise, and sunlight. They also feed and clean them. 

11.How long does it take grubs to transform into cocoons? What follow the cocoons then?



Grubs need two to three weeks to transform into cocoons. After then, cocoons repose for an additional three weeks without eating or moving. They suddenly crack, and perfect ants appear.


12.Why do ants desire extraterrestrial creatures to live in their nests?


Some provide smells that are pleasing to ants' noses; others produce sweet juices; yet others are used as pets or playthings by people, such as cats and dogs. 

13.Why do the ants teach the greenfly this skill?



The greenfly is the ant's cow. The ants teach it to give honeydew by touching it with their antennae (similar to milk). They milk it similarly to how we milk a cow.


14,The purpose of an ant's feelers or antennae is question number five.


 An ant uses its antennae or feelers to communicate with other ants. They can communicate with it. It touches the feelers of other ants to communicate.


15.What are your knowledges of worker ants?


Worker ants live in certain locations. The majority of their time is spent in search of food. They simply contribute what is reasonable to the labour. 

II. Long Answer Type Questions 

16.What do you know about ants' habitations?


The ants dwell in anthills or ant nests. There are hundreds of tiny rooms and passages in each nest. The queen ant deposits her eggs in a few of the rooms. Other rooms serve as gurb nurseries ( young ants). There are several rooms where food is kept. There are several spaces designated as military barracks or worker quarters. The nests also house cleaners. 

17.What are your understandings about the queen ant?


The "Mother Ant" moniker is used to describe the queen ant. Two wings are on it. It bites them off after its "wedding fight." This fight occurs on a steamy summer day. The queen leaves the nest to encounter a male ant, or drone, in the upper atmosphere. As it gets back to Earth, it gets rid of its wings and only lays eggs.