1.Why did the King seek answers to three questions?


The King believed that having the correct answers to the three questions would ensure his success and wisdom

 2.What was the purpose of sending messengers throughout the kingdom?


The messengers were sent throughout the kingdom to find the answers to the three questions.

3.Why were magicians suggested to the King?


The King was advised to consult with magicians to gain insight into the future, which would help him make decisions about the right time to take action.


According to the people, the advice of counselors, doctors, and priests would be important for the King to consider in answering the second question.

5.What were some of the responses to the third question?


Suggestions made in response to the third question included the importance of science, warfare, and religious worship.

6.Did the wise men receive the reward? If not, why?


No, the wise men did not receive the reward because they gave different answers to the King's questions that did not align with one another.

7.How did the King and the hermit help the wounded man?


The King and the hermit cleaned and dressed the man's wound, providing him with necessary care until his bleeding had stopped.


The bearded man was an enemy of the King, whose brother had been executed by the King. Additionally, the King had taken away the bearded man's property. He asked for forgiveness because the King saved his life by dressing his wound, which made the bearded man feel grateful.


The King promised to send his servants and doctor to care for the bearded man, and his property would be returned to him, demonstrating his forgiveness.


 The hermit gave three answers to the King's questions. First, he said that the most important time is now when the King was digging the beds for the hermit. Second, the hermit replied that the most important time is now when the King was dressing the man's wounds. And thirdly, the hermit said that the most important time is the present, and the most important person is the one with whom you are presently interacting. He suggested that doing good deeds for that person is the most important business. Among the three answers, I prefer the third one as it highlights the significance of living in the present and doing good deeds for others, which can have a positive impact on the future.

11.What is the reason for the squirrel's tail being described as a "question mark"? Can you draw or find a picture of a squirrel and describe its tail?


The squirrel's tail is shaped like a question mark, which is why the poet used this description. Students can find a picture or draw a squirrel and describe the shape of its tail.

12.Do we typically use the word "wear" to describe an animal's tail? What words are commonly used instead? (Consider whether we use "wear" to describe an animal's coat, and look up the different ways in which "wear" can be used in a dictionary if necessary.)


Using "wear" to describe an animal's tail is more common in poetry. Typically, we use words like "have" or "cover" when describing an animal's tail.

13.In the poem, who is teasing whom and how?


The squirrel is the one doing the teasing in the poem. The children are attempting to catch the squirrel by running around the tree.