1. From the first paragraph

(i) pick out two phrases which describe the desert as most people believe it is;

(ii) pick out two phrases which describe the desert as specialists see it.

Which do you think is an apt description, and why?


(i)The adjectives scorching, dry, waterless, and without shelter are most frequently used to describe the desert.


(ii) According to experts, the desert is a beautiful environment with a variety of inhabitants, animals, and plants. The view there can be just as gratifying as one in a tropical paradise.

 2. The phrases on the left in the following box occur in the text.

Match each of them with a phrase on the right.

an endless stretch of sand

fertile place with water and plants in a desert

waterless and without shelter

not visible because the grass is thick

an oasis

nothing but sand as far as one can see

hidden by a cover of grass

no water and no shade


The following phrases are most frequently used to describe the desert: An limitless beachfront expanse

There is nothing except sand in the distance.

without access to water or shelter 

lacking both water and shade

A haven 

a lush area with water and vegetation in a desert

shrouded by a grassy cloak

due to the dense grass, not apparent 

hot, dry, devoid of water, and without cover is made of sand.

(ii) According to experts, the desert is a beautiful environment with a variety of inhabitants, animals, and plants. The view there can be just as gratifying as one in a tropical paradise.

3. A camel may go several days without water. What is the text's explanation?


The A camel can go without water for several days. Camels don't perspire a lot. They can withstand high temperatures. They can remain cool without perspiring. They can therefore keep the water for a longer amount of time because they do not lose any of it..

4. How do the smaller desert animals get their water?


Lesser desert animals utilise a range of techniques to obtain water:

Some of them only emerge at night to eat and spend the day underneath. 

Some people eat other animals to get moisture out of the meat.

Some individuals eat and drink plants, seeds, and plant juices.

5. Describe the desert in your own words. Compose a paragraph that you will read aloud to your students.


There is no moisture cover in a desert. So, during the day, the temperature rises, and at night, it drops quickly.

6. Go to the library and gather knowledge about desert dwellers' cuisine, clothing, job, social customs, and so on. Inform the group of this information.


Nomads are homeless people that live in arid environments. They keep moving to areas where they can find food and water. Their situation is quite difficult. Camel transportation is used. They primarily consume meat and dates. They make their garments out of camel or sheep wool. Their way of living is quite simple. They gaze up to the sky seeking rain. They've formed their own traditions.

7. Who has trouble imagining what a desert is, Uke?


Some individuals find it hard to imagine what a desert looks like because they live in forested areas surrounded by hills. 

8. What happens if it rains in the desert?


Deserts rarely experience rain. Every time it rains, the desert flowers blossom. The scene turns into as beautiful as any tropical paradise.

9. What is an oasis, exactly? What effect does it have on desert plants?


A lush island of vegetation in the middle of a desert, an oasis is where trees and plants can flourish due to a spring or well. 

10. What distinguishes desert plants and animals from other plants and animals?


Compared to other plants and animals, desert plants and animals have evolved to require less water. 

11. How can desert plants meet their water requirements?


Many desert plants adjust to their environment. The cactus plants have thick stalks. They serve as water reservoirs. Its roots are close to the surface of the ground. The roots quickly gather the rainfall from the little showers that occasionally fall. They fulfil their water needs in this way. The ability to utilise less water than the majority of plants in other habitats has evolved in a few desert species.