1 Based on the information provided in the text, what can you say about the front wheel of the bicycle? Do you think it really wobbled or not? Explain your reasoning.


Based on the text, it is unlikely that the front wheel was actually wobbling. The author's friend violently shook the front wheel and claimed that it was wobbling, but the author did not notice any issues with the wheel. Additionally, the friend was a novice, which further suggests that there was no real problem with the bicycle.

2 When the author returned from the tool shed, he found the bicycle lying on the gravel path with its saddle twisted and handlebars turned round. 


When the author returned from the tool shed, they found their friend sitting on the ground with the front wheel between their legs, moving it between their fingers.

3 The complete sentence is "Nothing is easier than taking off the gear-case, but in a moment of weakness, I had let my friend take off the gear-case." This sentence is ironic because although the author states that taking off the gear-case is easy, they had allowed their friend to remove it, which later caused some problems with the bicycle. 


While it may seem easy to take off the gear-case, the author did not want their friend to do so. They tried to stop their friend because they knew that buying a new cycle would be cheaper than repairing the gear-case.

4 What did the author do to treat the chain of the bicycle in a special way?


The author's friend was not gentle with the chain either. They removed the gear case to access the chain, and then tightened it too much before loosening it excessively, leaving the chain very loose.

5 What are the two phrases in the text that describe the friend's qualities of knowing what he is doing and being absolutely sure it is good?


The author's friend was described as having two qualities: "Cheery confidence" and "inexplicable hopefulness," both of which convey the idea that the friend was sure of their actions and their outcomes.

6 Can you describe the fight between the man and the machine? Provide the relevant sentences from the text.


According to the text, the friend had a tumultuous battle with the bicycle, at one point attempting to bully it. The bicycle would switch positions with the friend, with the friend being on the ground and the bicycle on top of them. The friend would have short-lived moments of triumph before the bicycle would suddenly free itself and hit them over the head with one of its handles.

7 What does the statement "I got up early, for me" imply?


It implies that the person who said it is a late riser.

8 What is the tone of the statement "The bicycle goes easily enough in the morning and a little stiffly after lunch"?


The tone of the remark is humorous and sarcastic.

9 Provide two or three sentences from the text that show the author's disapproval of their friend violently shaking the bicycle.


"I said, 'Don't do that; you'll hurt it,'" "I did not see why he should shake it; it had not done anything to him," and "I felt much as I should had he started whacking my dog."

10 In the sentence "if not, it would make a serious difference to the machine," what is the referent of the pronoun "it"?


The pronoun "it" refers to the small balls of the bicycle that were dropped when the author's friend opened it.

11 ‘en’ can be used as a prefix or suffix to form new words. For example, ‘en’ added to ‘courage’ forms ‘encourage’ and added to ‘weak’ forms ‘weaken’. However, sometimes ‘en’ is an integral part of a word, such as in ‘ending’ and ‘barren’.

(i) Categorize the following words as prefix, suffix or part of the word:

unseen, enlist, awaken, strengthen, darken, kingdom, garden, broken, shorten


Prefix: enlist, awaken, strengthen

Suffix: darken, kingdom, garden, broken, shorten

Part of the word: unseen

12 Answer the following questions:

(i) Which line suggests that the child has a fear of snakes?

(ii) Identify the line that indicates a change in the child's attitude towards snakes.

(iii) What is the mother referring to when she says, "But mother says that kind is good..."?


(i) "Some snakes are dangerous, they say."

(ii) "It's just a harmless garden snake!"

(iii) The mother is referring to the snake that the child saw.

13 Find the word in the poem that describes the snake's movement through the grass.


The word "wiggles" describes the snake’s movements through the grass. 

14 Identify the four pairs of rhyming words in the poem and say them aloud.


The Four pair of rhyming words are as follow:

Away-say, good-food, grass-pass, mistake-snake.

15 A snake has no legs or feet, yet it moves very fast. How does it do this? Discuss in your group.


The snake moves by wiggling its body and using its scales to grip and push off the ground.

16 Recall the word used for a cobra's long, sharp teeth. Where did you first come across this word?


The word is "fang." I first encountered this word in a story that I read in the sixth grade.