1. What among the following cannot be referred to be a habitat?

(a) A camel-filled desert

(b) A fish-filled pond

(c) An animal-filled jungle

(d) Farmland with grazing cattle Problem:


  (d): Farmland with livestock grazing

The natural setting in which an organism lives is known as its habitat. An creature receives all it needs from its habitat, including food, shelter, and ideal climatic circumstances, to exist.

Cattle that graze on uncultivated soil do not dwell there.

2. Several characteristics of plants are listed below.

(i) They transpire a lot, losing a lot of water.

(ii) Its leaves are always flat and broad.

(iii) They lose a tiny amount of water by transpiration.

(iv) Their roots penetrate the ground extremely deeply.

Which of the aforementioned characteristic combinations best describes desert plants?

(a) (i) and (ii) 

(b) (ii) and (iv)

 (c) (ii) and (iii)

 (d) (iii) and (iv)


 (d) (iii) and (iv)

The roots of desert plants grow deeply into the soil to absorb water, while their leaves are very tiny or reduced to spines to decrease water loss through transpiration. Desert plants have therefore evolved to survive in the hot, dry conditions of the desert.

3. Boojho encounters a creature with a sleek and slippery body. What is the animal's habitat?

(a) Water                 (b)  desert                     (c) grassland             (d) Mountain


Water is (a).

Animals that live in water have streamlined bodies that reduce resistance while swimming and slippery bodies that allow for easy movement in the water without hurting the body.

4. Which one of the following describes a trait of living things?

(a) Respiration                    (b) reproduction                    (c) adaptation                       (d) excretion

From the list of alternatives below, select the right response.

(a) Only (i), (ii), and (iv)

 (b) Only (i) and (ii)

 (c) Only (ii) and (iv)

 (d) Only (i) (ii), (iii), and (iv)


(d) Only (i) (ii), (iii), and (iv)

All living organisms need to have these properties, which include respiration, reproduction, adaptability, and excretion.

5.  Earthworms breathe through their stomata, not their 

(a) skin         (b) gills           (c) lungs          (d) skin.


 (a): skin

Earthworms breathe through their damp body surface. There are no specialised respiratory organs in earthworms.

Aquatic creatures typically have gills for respiration (e.g. fish).

Inland animals, like as mammals, have lungs for breathing.

Stomata in plants are the conduits through which gases are exchanged.

6. Which of the following is not an illustration of a stimulus-related response?

(a) Mouths start to water when we sight mouthwatering cuisine.

(b) Mimosa plant leaves that close when touched.

(c) Closing our eyes in response to abrupt objects being thrown in our general direction.

(d) The development of a chick from an egg.


(d) The development of a chick from an egg.

7. Which of the following statements about plant respiration is accurate?

(A) Respiration only occurs throughout the day.

(b) Only at night does respiration happen.

(c) Both throughout the day and the night, breathing occurs.

(d) Plants can only breathe when they are not producing food.


 (c): Both throughout the day and the night, breathing occurs.

Respiration is the term used to describe the breakdown of organic materials into simpler compounds while releasing energy. That happens both during the day and at night.

8.  Which of the following statements concerning excretion is false?

(a) In plants, excretion occurs.

(b) Both plants and animals are capable of excretion.

(c) Excretion is the sole mechanism of eliminating extra water.

(d) One way to excrete is through secretion.


 (c) Excretion is the only procedure used to get rid of extra water.

Water, carbon dioxide, and nitrogenous chemicals are among the waste products that are excreted and are expelled as urine, sweat, and exhaled air.

9. Choose the set that exclusively depicts a habitat's biotic components.

Turtle, Crab, Rocks,

 (a) Tiger, Deer, Grass, Soil,

 (b) Rocks, Soil, Plants, Air

(c) Turtle, Crab, Rocks,

(d) Aquatic plants, fish, frogs, and insects


(d) aquatic plant, fish, frog, and insect

Abiotic components, or non-living ones, include dirt, rocks, air, and sand. Biotic components, or live ones, include aquatic plants, fish, frogs, and insects.

10.  Which of the subsequent is not related to reproduction?

(A) A fresh leaf emerging from a branch of a tree.

(b) A puppy being delivered by a dog.

(c) A seed becoming a plant.

(d) A chick emerging from the egg.


 (a): A fresh leaf emerging from a branch of a tree.

A biological process called reproduction allows an organism to create offspring of the same species.

Vegetative growth, which is unrelated to reproduction, is when a new leaf emerges from a tree limb.

Reproduction is related to a dog, a seed, and an egg that hatch a puppy that grows into a plant or a chick, respectively.

11. From the list below, pick the reproduction outlier.

(a) Chicken's eggs

 (b) plant seeds 

(c) potato buds   

(d) Mango roots, are just a few examples.


 (d) the roots of a mango tree

Mango tree roots don't participate in sexual reproduction.

Plant seeds and chicken eggs are both reproduction-related items.

Potato buds are vegetative reproductive components that can create new plants.

12. Even if organisms pass away, their species lives on. What trait of living things allows this to happen?

(a) respiration          (b) reproduction     (c)      excretion             (d) Movement


 Reproduction (b)

One of the most crucial traits of living things is reproduction since it ensures the continuation of their species on earth. An organism creates young members of its own species through the biological process of reproduction.

13. What modifications to your urine do you anticipate seeing if you chance to visit a desert? You would either 

(i) produce very little pee 

(ii) a lot of urine

 (iii) concentrated urine 

(iv) or very little urine 

Which of the statements above is accurate?

(A) (i) and (iii)             (b) (ii) and  (iv)            (c) (i) and (iv)              (d)  (i) and (ii)


 (a): (i) and (iii)

Urinating concentrated pee in modest amounts might assist the body retain water. Humans excrete a tiny amount of water as a form of adaptation to the desert environment.

14. Using the hints provided against the words below, unscramble them to find the right term.

(a) SATPADAOINT: Characteristics or behaviours that allow a living thing to survive in its environment.

(b) RETECOXNI: This procedure eliminates waste materials.

(c) LUMISIT: All living things react to these

(d) REPRODUCTION: Hence, we discover organisms of the same kind. (d) ROUCDPRENTOI


The right phrases are as follows:

(a) adaptations


(c) Stimuli

(d) Reproduction

15. Using the vocabulary listed below, describe each animal's habitat that is shown in Fig. 9.1. (a to d).

[Mountain, Desert, Pond, River, Grassland]


(a) Deer - Grassland

(b) A red-eyed tree frog with red eyes can be found in tropical rain forests (not in a pond).

(c) Yak-Mountain

(d) Camel in the desert.

16. Sort the environments listed below into terrestrial and marine categories.

[Rice field, pond, ocean, and grassland ]


Habitats on land: grasslands and ricefields

aquatic environments: ponds and oceans

17. Why is reproduction critical to the survival of organisms?


For living things, reproduction is crucial because it enables them to create offspring of the same species and ensures the survival of their species.

18. Fill in the blanks.

(a) Saline water, hot air and sand are _____ components of a habitat.

(b) The habitat of plants and animals that live _______ in is called the aquatic habitat.

(c) ____ enables a plant or an animal to live in its surroundings.

(d) Plants and animals that live on land are said to live in ______ habitats.


(a) Abiotic (non-living)

(b) Water

(c) Adaptations

(d) Terrestrial

19. In Paheli's garden, there is a rose plant. How can she expand the garden's rose plant population?


By using the plant propagation technique, or planting stem cuttings of the rose plant, Paheli can expand the number of rose plants in the yard. One-year-old stems are cut into sections that are 20 to 30 cm long, and their lower ends are inserted into the ground.

20.  What makes desert snakes tunnel deep into the sand at daytime?


Because the lower layers of sand are cooler and to escape the heat of the desert during the day, desert snakes burrow far into the sand.

21. Describe the adaptation that allows aquatic plants to

(a) have submerged leaves that can bend in the current of the water.

(b) Leaves are able to float on the water's surface.


(a) Leaves that are submerged are long, slender, and ribbon-like, allowing them to bend readily in the flow of water and survive water currents without being harmed, such as sellotape grass.

(b) Long, hollow, and light leaves enable them float on the water's surface.

22. Name one of the following animals' adaptations.

(a) To protect their body from the sand's heat in camels.

(b) In frogs, which makes them able to swim.

(c) In order for whales and dolphins to breathe when they are swimming close to the water's surface.


(a) Camels with lengthy legs are better able to protect their upper bodies from the sand's heat.

(b) Frogs with webbed feet can jump higher.

(c) Whales and dolphins with blow holes are better able to breathe as they rise to the surface of the water

23.  While some desert plants just have spines, others have very little leaves. How is this advantageous to the plants?


Desert plants prefer to preserve water because they are well-adapted to environmental factors like water scarcity. Tiny leaves and plants with spines are variations on leaves that aid the leaf lamina's surface in retaining water during transpiration.

24. What distinguishing characteristics of a deer enable it to recognise the presence of predators such as lions?


 Deer have certain characteristics that enable them to recognise the presence of predators like lions, including:

(i) Deer have long ears that make it easier for them to hear and detect the movements of predators.

(ii) The ability to view in all directions thanks to eyes on the sides of its head.

25. Review the characteristics of plants listed below.

(a) Cone-shaped plants 

(b) short roots 

(c) sloping branches 

(d) small or spine-like leaves 

(e) thick waxy stem 

(f) and hollow stem

From the list below, select the appropriate plant type for each characteristic listed in letters a through f.


Plants found in the ocean, desert, and mountains

(a) Desert plant with a thick waxy stalk

(b) Aquatic plants with short roots

(c) Mountainous plants with cone-shaped leaves

(d) Mountainous plant with sloping branches

(e) Desert plant with tiny or spine-like leaves

(f) Hollow stem aquatic plant

26. Although a car moves, like many animals, it is not regarded as a living organism. Provide two or three justifications.


For the following reasons, a car is not regarded as a living thing:

Cells do not make up a car. The building blocks of all living things are cells. The smallest unit of a living entity, the cell is crucial to life.

The vehicle doesn't react to stimuli. Living things can feel their environment and react to environmental cues like light, temperature, pollution, water, etc.

There is no permanent, irreversible growth on the automobile. Growth is a rise in an organism's size. Growth is a permanent and irreversible process in living things.

27. What adaptive traits do lions have that make hunting easier?


The following are a lion's adaptive characteristics that aid in hunting:

It can catch and kill prey thanks to its powerful paws, pointed fangs, and extended claws.

The brown colour of the lion's body helps it blend in with the arid grassland so that its prey won't notice it.

The placement of the lion's eyes in front enables it to pinpoint the location and motions of its prey.