1.  In which of the following food items is dietary fibre not present?

Solution: a) Wholegrain b) Whole pulse c) Fruits and veggies d) Milk


(d): Milk.

Milk and other animal products don't include dietary fibre.

Cellulose, the component of dietary fibre, is mostly found in plant-based goods.

Dietary fibre is abundant in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and whole legumes.

2. Which of the subsequent protein sources stands out from the rest?

(a) Peas      (b)Gram          (c)Soybeans               (d)Cottage Cheese,  (paneer)


(d): Cheese cottage (paneer)

Peas, gramme, and soy beans are plant protein sources, while cottage cheese (paneer) is an animal protein source.

3. Milk doesn't include which of the following nutrients?

(a) Protein      (b) Vitamin C         (c) Calcium       (d)Vitamin D


(b): C vitamin

Although protein, calcium, and vitamin D are significantly more abundant in milk than vitamin C, which is present in minuscule levels.

4.  Review the list of foodstuffs below.

(i). Ghee           (ii). Wheat           (iii) Salt iodized           (iv) Spinach (palak)

Which of the aforementioned foods are "foods that provide energy"?

(A) I and IV,( B) II and IV, (C) I and II, (D) IIII, and (iv)


Wheat and ghee (c).

Wheat is high in carbs, whereas ghee is high in lipids, both of which are nutrients that provide energy. Hence, these foods provide energy.

Because spinach is high in vitamins and minerals and iodized salt includes minerals, they are both protective meals.

5. Read the following descriptions of illnesses.

(i) Germs are to blame for them.

(ii) They are brought on by a deficiency in nutrients in our diet.

(iii) They can be transmitted to someone else by contact.

(iv) A balanced diet can help you avoid them.

Which set of phrases best describes an illness caused by a deficiency?

(a) (i) and (ii)              (b) (ii) and  (iii)                  (c) (ii) and (iv)                    (d) (i) and (iii)


They are brought on by our diet's deficiency in certain nutrients (c). A balanced diet can help avoid them as well.

Diseases characterised by dietary deficiencies in the diet are referred to as deficiency diseases. They are not contagious and cannot be shared by people.

6. The procedures for determining whether a food item contains proteins are listed below.

(i) Place a small amount of the food item in a test tube, then shake it while adding 10 drops of water.

(ii) Prepare the food to be tested as a paste or powder.

(iii) Fill the test tube with 10 drops of the caustic soda solution, then thoroughly shake.

(iv) Include two drops of copper sulphate solution in the mixture.

Which of the following describes the proper order of events?

(a) i, ii, iv, iii

(b) ii, i, iv, iii

(c) ii, i, iii, iv

(d) iv, ii, i, iii


(b): ii, i, iv, iii

Make a paste or powder of the food to be tested (ii) before putting a little amount of it in a test tube, adding 10 drops of water to it, and shaking it to check for proteins (i). Then, add 2 drops of copper sulphate solution (iv) and 10 drops of caustic soda solution (iv), and shake the test tube well (iii). Watch the colour of the solution in the test tube after letting it stand for a few minutes. The presence of proteins in the specified food item is indicated by the development of the violet colour.

7. Decode the words linked to food components below, and then write the answers in the box provided.

(a) reinpot ___ (b) menliars __ (c) tivanmi __ (d) bocatradhyer _ (e) nitesturn _ (f) tfa


Protein, minerals, vitamins, carbohydrates, and other nutrients are among the following: (f) Fat

8. Which of the following food items—Milk, Water, Orange Juice, and Tomato Soup—does not contain any nutrients?


Though it is necessary for life, water does not furnish the human body with any nutrition.

9. Use the list of words below to complete the gaps.

(carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and sugars; starches and roughage; vitamins A and C; balanced diet; obesity; goitre)

(a) Egg albumin and yolk are both rich in some nutrients.

(b) Taking a____ can help prevent diseases caused by deficiencies.

(c) Consuming too many foods high in fat might cause a condition called .

(d) The food ingredient that is necessary to our diet but doesn't give our bodies any nutrients is .

(e) While cooking, the vitamin that is most quickly damaged by heat is .


 (a) Protein and fat

(b) a healthy diet

(c) Obesity

(d) Roughage

(e) vitamin C 

10.  Review the food items listed below. Sort them into items that are high in carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, and then fill out the table that is provided. Moong dal, fish, mustard oil, sweet potatoes, rice, eggs, beans, butter, cottage cheese (paneer), buttermilk (chhachh), peas, maize, and white bread.

(a) Carbohydrate Rich food Item   (b) Protein Rich food Item       (c) Fat Rich food Item

           ……                                                           …….                                     …….

       ……                                                           …….                                   …….

         ……                                                           …….                                   …….


(a)Carbohydrate Rich food Ite   (b)Protein Rich food Item        (c) Fat Rich food Item

Sweet potato                                                               Moong dal           Mustard oil

Rice                                                                                   Fish           Cottage Cheese

Maize                                                                                      Milk                           Milk

White bread                                                                     Egg             Egg

                                                                                            Beans                           Butter

                                                                                     Buttermilk                                 Fish

                                                                                      Cottage                                  cheese


11.  Nutritious food is not always palatable, and tasty food may not always be nutritious. Comment with illustrations.


Food that is delicious yet unhealthful includes burgers, pizzas, churros, potato chips, and other foods. These dishes are unhealthy because they contain refined flour (Maida), spices, and a lot of oil.

Yet, nutrient-dense foods may not always taste delicious, such as boiled vegetables, legumes, green vegetables, etc., despite the fact that they are incredibly healthy. These foods include vital nutrients (proteins, vitamins, minerals, etc.) that support the strength and wellness of our bodies.

12. Several potatoes were peeled and sliced into small pieces by Paheli and Boojho. They scrubbed them clean before boiling them. After discarding the extra water, they were fried in oil with salt and spices. Although the potato dish tasted excellent, it had little nutritional value. Provide a technique for cooking potatoes that won't reduce their nutritional value.


In addition to providing carbs, vitamins (particularly vitamin C), minerals, and dietary fibre, potatoes are a nutrient-rich food. Peeled potatoes offer an additional source of nutritional fibre and minerals.

The following is a way of cooking potatoes that won't reduce their nutritional content:

The potatoes should be washed and sliced thin. The potatoes should be cooked with some water, a small bit of oil, salt, and spices. While cooking, the pot should be covered. This process aids in preserving the potato's nutritional value.

13.  Paheli dislikes vegetables but enjoys white bread, spaghetti, and biscuits. She frequently expresses discomfort in her stomach and constipation. What foods should she incorporate in her diet to solve the issue? Reason for your response.


To solve her difficulties, Paheli should eat entire grains, whole pulses, fresh fruits, and vegetables. These foods provide the roughage (dietary fibre) that Paheli's diet lacks.

As they are made of refined flour (Maida), which has no roughage or fibre, Paheli should avoid eating biscuits, noodles, and white bread. Constipation is prevented by roughage.

14. (a) Compile a list of all the food ingredients that are nutrient-rich.

(a) Name two food ingredients that don't contain any nutrients.


(A) The nutrients found in food are found in the following: carbs, lipids, proteins, vitamins, and minerals.

(b) Roughage and water are food ingredients that don't include nutrients.

15. Despite the fact that our bodies only require a very tiny amount of minerals and vitamins compared to other nutrients, they are an essential component of a balanced diet. Describe the assertion.


Although required in very little amounts, minerals and vitamins are crucial for the healthy operation of our bodies. Because

(i) These are nourishing foods that help shield our bodies from sickness.

(ii) They aid in preserving our body's regular rate of growth.

(iii) They offer high levels of immunity, which promotes good health.

16. Despite not containing any nutrients, water is a vital part of diet. Explain.


Water is an essential part of our diet because :

 (i) it helps transport oxygen and nutrients from food to the brain and to all of the cells in our body.

(ii) Water aids in the removal of wastes and poisons from the body through urine and sweat.

(iii) Water aids in the body's absorption of nutrients such as vitamins and minerals.

(iv) Water aids in controlling body temperature.

17.  Boojho was having trouble seeing in the low light. His eyesight was examined, and the doctor then recommended a specific vitamin supplement. Also, he gave him some dietary recommendations.

(a) What deficiency disease is he dealing with?

(b) Which nutrient in his diet might be deficient?

(c) Provide dietary recommendations for him based on some food products. (Choose any four)


(a) Night blindness affects Boojho, making it challenging for him to see in low light.

(b) Night blindness is brought on by a vitamin A deficiency . He may therefore be deficient in vitamin A due to nutrition.

(c) Foods high in vitamin A, such as carrots, spinach, papaya, milk, green leafy vegetables, fish oil, etc., can be included in Boojho's diet.

18. Solve the crossword puzzle given in fig. 2.1 from the clues given below.



1. These disorders are brought on by a long-term lack of nutrients in our diet (10)

2. This kind of carbohydrate is abundant in rice and potatoes (6)

3. Bone illness that results in a deficiency makes them brittle and bent (7)

4. A diet that supplies our body with all the nutrients it needs, in the appropriate amounts, combined with enough water and roughage (8, 4)

5. Gum disease associated with a deficiency (6)

6. Iodine deficiency-related diseases (6)


7. Our diet contains a lot of this type of nutrient that provides energy, including starch and sugar (13)

8. The phrase refers to the beneficial elements of food (9)

9. A illness brought on by a diet lacking in iron (7)

10. Foods high in this mineral include apples, liver, and green leafy vegetables (4)

19. Disease brought on by a deficiency in vitamin B in the diet (8)


20. Carefully examine the items in Fig. 2.2 and respond to the questions that follow.

(a) Food item rich in carbohydrates is (i)______

(b) Egg is a rich source of protein, the mineral (ii)__and vitamin (iii)______

(c) (iv)___is a rich source of fat.

(d) Milk provides __ (v)____ vitamin D and ___(vi)____(mineral).

(e) ___(vii)____(fruit) is a rich source of vitamin A.

(f) Spinach is a good source of the mineral__(viii)____

(g) Both eggs and ___(xi)____are rich in___(x)______


(a) (i) chapati

(b) (ii) phosphorus (iii) D

(c) (iv) Butter

(d) (v) protein (vi) calcium

(e) (vii) Papaya

(f) (viii) iron

(g) (ix) peas (x) proteins