1. What was the reason for Rasheed's uncle warning him not to buy anything in his absence?


 Rasheed's uncle warned him not to buy anything in his absence because he was concerned that the shopkeepers might take advantage of Rasheed's innocence and cheat him out of his money.

2. What was the reason behind naming the shop "Lucky Shop"?


The shop was named Lucky Shop to attract customers to play the game of chance and win prizes.

3. What was the amount of money earned by the old man by selling the clock back to the shopkeeper?


The old man made 15 rupees by selling the clock back to the shopkeeper.

4. How many prizes did the boy win at the Lucky Shop and what were they?


The boy won four prizes at the Lucky Shop - a comb, a fountain pen, a wristwatch, and a table lamp.

5.  Why was Rasheed upset at the Lucky Shop?


Rasheed was upset because he believed he was unlucky at the game of chance.

6. How did the shopkeeper make a fool of Rasheed at the Lucky Shop?


The shopkeeper deceived Rasheed by giving him low-value items as prizes and encouraging him to keep playing the game, causing Rasheed to lose all his money.

7.  What mistake did Rasheed make at the fair according to his uncle?


Rasheed did not follow his uncle's advice of refraining from buying anything or going too far away in his absence.

8. How did Rasheed end up losing all his money at the Lucky Shop?


 Rasheed's desire to win a big prize tempted him to keep playing the game of chance, but he did not win any valuable item, which resulted in him losing all his money.

9. How would you characterize Rasheed's misfortune at the Lucky Shop?


Rasheed's so-called bad luck was not his fault as he was an innocent boy, and the shopkeeper was a dishonest person who tricked him.

10. How did Rasheed's uncle explain the concept of the 'game of chance' to him?


Rasheed's uncle informed him that the Lucky Shop owner had deceived him by using his friends, the old man, and the boy who won expensive items, to attract customers. It was all a ploy to entice people into playing the game and losing their money.

11. What is the meaning of a 'game of chance', and what lesson did Rasheed learn from his experience at the fair?


 A 'game of chance' is a form of gambling where an individual risks their money with the hope of winning more. The outcome of such games is unpredictable, and there is no guarantee of winning. Rasheed visited the Eid fair with his uncle and servant. At the fair, he was lured by a shopkeeper who rewarded customers with expensive prizes for playing a game of chance involving numbered discs. The shopkeeper, however, rigged the game and gave prizes only to his friends. Rasheed, being innocent, played the game and lost all his money. From this experience, Rasheed learned that he could easily be deceived by clever shopkeepers and swindled of his money.

12. How did the shopkeeper deceive his customers into playing the losing game?


 During the annual Eid fair, a shopkeeper set up a booth that attracted a lot of people. He encouraged customers to play a game of chance involving six numbered discs. If the number on the disc chosen by the customer matched the winning number, they would win a prize. However, the shopkeeper rigged the game in such a way that only his friends would win expensive prizes, and the remaining customers would get only low-value items. Rasheed was also fooled by the shopkeeper's trickery and lost all his money trying to win the game.

13. Suppose you are Rasheed. Describe in your own words your visit to the fair. Do not refer to the Lucky Shop.


 If I were Rasheed, I would describe my visit to the Eid fair as an exciting and joyful experience. My uncle accompanied me to the fair and left me in the care of our domestic help, Bhaiya. He advised me not to go far from the place and not to buy anything in his absence. We roamed around the fair, enjoying the sights and sounds. My uncle returned after spending some time with his friends and bought me some gifts as a treat for behaving well.

14. What are the three children discussing?

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 8 A Game of Chance Speaking Reading 1


The three children are discussing their beverage preferences, with the first child offering tea or coffee as an option, the second child choosing coffee, and the third child stating a preference for tea over coffee.