1. Why did the poet say that “English is a wonderful game”?


The poet believes that English is a wonderful game because it allows us to play with words and express our intended message in a creative way.

2. Who can liberate thoughts from our mind?


According to the poem, words have the power to liberate our thoughts and ideas from captivity in our mind.

3. What has not been said yet according to the poem?


The poem suggests that there are many beautiful thoughts and ideas that have not yet been expressed, but they are waiting to be conveyed in a unique and captivating way.

4. Where can we find a new surprise?


The poem encourages us to explore our own minds as a source of new and exciting surprises, waiting to be discovered and expressed through language.

5. Do you agree with the poet's view that words are the essential components of our thoughts? Provide a reason to support your opinion.


In my opinion, words are indeed crucial for expressing our thoughts. They give our thoughts a shape and meaning, and enable us to communicate our ideas effectively. Without words, our thoughts would remain unexpressed and unheard.

6. What advice does the poet give regarding the expression of one's thoughts?


The poet advises not to let one's thoughts go to waste due to a lack of words. She emphasizes the importance of using appropriate words to express our thoughts clearly and truthfully, without any hesitation or fear.

7. What does the poet tell us about the world of words? Do you agree with him?


The poet believes that words are a wonderful means of communication. Words allow us to express our thoughts and feelings when speaking or writing in English. They can be considered the food and dress of thought, as they allow thoughts to move freely from the prison of the mind. There is no dearth of wonderful new ideas, and words provide a way to convey them.

8. Why does Mary O’ Neill call English “a wonderful game’?


Mary O’ Neill calls English “a wonderful game” because it is interesting to find the right words to convey thoughts properly and effectively. The mind is like a factory for lovely thoughts, and words allow them to be freed from the prison of the mind. By dressing up these thoughts with the right words, one can make an impression on the listener. It is also possible that a new idea may take the world by surprise.

9. Justify the title The Wonderful Words’!


The title "The Wonderful Words" is appropriate for the poem as it highlights the significance of words in expressing thoughts and ideas. The poet emphasizes that words are powerful tools that can unlock the thoughts and emotions that are trapped in our minds. Choosing the right words is crucial in conveying messages effectively and beautifully. Therefore, the poet describes words as wonderful and amazing due to their ability to capture the essence of our innermost thoughts and feelings.

10. Extract 1

Words are the food and dress of thought They give it its body and swing And everyone’s longing today to hear Some fresh and beautiful thing But only words can free a thought From its prison behind your eyes May be your mind is holding now A marvelous new surprise!

(I)What is the audience's longing according to the extract?

(II)What is the main message conveyed by the poet through this poem?

(III)What does the poet mean by the phrase "prison behind your eyes"?


(I)The audience's longing, as per the extract, is to hear something fresh and beautiful.

(II)The main message conveyed by the poet through this poem is the significance of words in expressing our thoughts. The poet emphasizes the need to use appropriate words to give our thoughts shape and meaning.
(III)The poet is using the phrase "prison behind your eyes" to refer to the thoughts that are trapped in our minds. The poet suggests that only words have the power to liberate these thoughts and bring them to life.

11. Extract 2:

Never let a thought shrivel and die For want of a way to say it For English is a wonderful game And all of you can play it. All that you do is match the words To the brightest thoughts in your head So that they come out clear and true And handsomely groomed and fed- For many of the loveliest things Have never yet been said.

(I)What kind of language does the poet consider English to be?

(II)What does the poet encourage us to do?

(III)What does the poet mean by "English is a wonderful game and all of you can play it"?


(I)The given extract suggests that the poet considers English to be a wonderful language.

(II)The poet encourages us not to let our thoughts go to waste due to a lack of words. She urges us to express ourselves and communicate our ideas effectively.
(III)The poet suggests that English is a language that can be used by everyone. By referring to it as a game, she encourages us to have fun with the language and to explore its potential for expressing our thoughts and ideas.