1. What happens during the oxidation process that converts ethanol to ethanoic acid?


When ethanol is converted into ethanoic acid, oxygen is added and the hydrogen atom is removed, resulting in an oxidation process. Ethanal is produced by first removing one H2 molecule from ethanol. The loss of hydrogen is an oxidation process, hence the reaction is an oxidation reaction. Ethanoic acid is created from ethanal by adding an oxygen atom. The process of acquiring oxygen is called oxidation, hence the reaction is an oxidation reaction.

2. Why does the species benefit from variation but not necessarily the individual?


Because occasionally the climatic changes have a significant effect on the species, making it harder for them to survive, the variety is advantageous to the species rather than to individuals. For instance, certain types of microorganisms may perish if the temperature of the body of water rises. The environment could be disturbed as a result of this. Hence, variation benefits species rather than individuals.

3. What distinguishes binary fission from multiple fission?

Explanation : 

Binary fission is the process by which a single cell divides into two equally sized pieces. Binary fission is found, for example, in bacteria and amoebas.

  • Multiple fission occurs when a single cell divides into several daughter cells simultaneously. Sporozoans and algae are two examples of multiple fission.

4. How will an organism profit if it uses spores for reproduction?

Explanation : 

The advantages that an organism will have if it uses spores for reproduction are as follows:

  • One sporangium would yield a significant amount of spores.

  • Spores can be transported by air to far locations in order to prevent competition at one location.

  • The spores are protected by strong walls to avoid dehydration in poor conditions.

5. Can you think of any reasons why more complicated creatures cannot regenerate and produce new individuals?

Explanation : 

Because their organ systems are organised at separate levels in greater complexity organisms, they are unable to regenerate new individuals. These organ systems are all related to one another and function flawlessly together. Some of their lost body components, such as skin, blood, muscles, etc., can regenerate, but they are unable to give birth to new people.

6. Why is vegetative propagation used to grow certain plant species?

Explanation : 

The benefits of using vegetative propagation for some plant species include the following:

  • Vegetative propagation is an option for crops without viable seeds, such as orange, banana, and pineapple.

  • Crops can be grown more quickly, cheaply, and easily this way.

  • It can be applied to areas where seed germination is unsuccessful.

  • Variety of a high calibre can be maintained.

7. Why is DNA copying a crucial component of the reproduction process?

Explanation : 

Because it transfers genetic information from the parents to the progeny, DNA replication is a crucial step in the reproduction process. By a series of chemical processes, DNA is duplicated, yielding two copies. DNA copying occurs simultaneously with the cellular structure that is added, and is followed by cell division into two cells.

8. How does the pollination process differ from fertilisation?

Explanation : 

The act of moving pollen from an anther to a stigma is referred to as pollination. The process is aided by pollinators like the air, water, and some insects.

  • The joining of the male and female gametes is referred to as fertilisation. It occurs in the ovule and results in the development of the zygote.

9. How do the prostate gland and seminal vesicles function?

Explanation : 

The seminal vesicles and the prostate gland secretions work together to lubricate sperms and provide a fluid medium for the simple transit of sperms. In the form of fructose, calcium, and some enzymes, these secretions also deliver nutrition.

10. What modifications do girls go through during puberty?

Explanation : 

The following are the changes that occur in girls throughout puberty:

  • In the vaginal area, hair begins to develop.

  • Hair development in other places, such as the face, hands, legs, and underarms.

  • The uterus and ovaries get larger.

  • The nipple skin, which is found at the tip of the breast, darkens as the size of the breast increases.

  • Start of the menstrual cycle.

  • Appearance of pimples as a result of increased oil production by the skin.

11. How does the developing human within the mother’s body obtain nutrition?

Explanation : 

After fertilization, the uterine lining becomes thicker. The embryo is well-nourished because of the healthy blood flow. The placenta is a unique tissue that grows inside the uterine wall and aids in the embryo’s ability to absorb nutrients from the mother’s tissue. The placenta has blood space on the mother’s side and villous on the side of the embryo. The space between the mother and the embryo is greatly increased by this gap, which also allows for waste clearance.

12. Will a woman’s use of a Copper-T aid in preventing her from contracting sexually transmitted diseases?

Explanation :

No, using copper-T won’t prevent bodily fluids from contacting one other. Therefore, it is unable to shield her from contracting any sexually transmitted infections

13. Asexual reproduction happens when a plant buds.

(a).An e-coli



(d). eishmania


(b ).Yeast 

Asexual reproduction that occurs through budding is demonstrated by yeast. The parent cell develops a little protuberance, which expands to full size to create a bud. The daughter nucleus divides and moves to the daughter cell from the parent cell. The base of the bud separates from the mother’s body by constricting. A chain of bud cells is formed as the budding process progresses. Smaller than the daughter cell is the mother cell. A chain of bud cells is formed as a result of this budding process. Compared to the daughter cell, the mother cell is smaller.

14. Which of the following does not make up the human female reproductive system?

(a).the ovary.

(b).The womb. 

©.Vas Deferens. 

(d).Fallopian tube. 

Explanation : 

©.Vas Deferens. 

A component of the male reproductive system is the vas deferens. The epididymis releases a lengthy, muscular tube into the pelvic cavity. In back of the bladder. Its job is to deliver the fully developed sperm to the urethra. It also transports urine from the body to the outside.

15. Contains in the anther


(ii). Ovum

(iii). Pistil

(iv).Granules of pollen

Explanation : 

(iv).Grains of pollen. 

The microscopic components known as pollen grains are found in the pollen responsible for producing male gametophytes in seed plants.

16. What  are the benefits of sexual over asexual reproduction?

Explanation :

Here are some benefits of sexual reproduction:

Characteristics from both parents are present in the offspring.

Because there are more varieties, the species’ survival is guaranteed.

The progeny are easily able to adjust to environmental changes.

Additionally, it enhances people’s health.

17. What tasks are carried out by the testes in humans?

Explanation : 

According to humans, the testes serve the following purposes:

  • In addition to producing sperm, it also creates androgens, a male hormone.

  • They also generate testosterone, a hormone that gives boys their secondary sexual characteristics.

18. What causes menstruation?

Explanation :

Menstruation, which begins at adolescence and lasts until menopause, is the regular bleeding of the vaginal line. The body starts preparing for pregnancy at this time.

  • Every month, as the uterus becomes ready to receive the fertilized egg, an egg is discharged from one of the ovaries at the same time. The uterus’ inner lining thickens and receives enough blood to support the developing embryo. The fertilization of the egg does not occur because there is no interaction between the sperm and the egg. Therefore, when the egg is not fertilized, the uterine lining gradually degrades, resulting in menstruation.

19. What various forms of contraception are there?.

Explanation : 

The many ways of contraception are as follows:

  • The primary goal of the natural technique is to prevent the sperm and ovum from coming into contact. Avoid mating from the 10th to the 17th day of the menstrual cycle to achieve this. Given that ovulation is anticipated at this time, there are substantial possibilities of conception.

  • Barrier technique: In this technique, a barrier is used to prevent the sperm and ovum from coming into contact. Both males and females have access to these barriers. Male and female condoms, female diaphragms, female cervical caps, and female contraceptive sponges.

  • Oral contraceptives: This approach involves taking pills by mouth. A minor part of the hormones in these pills prevent the These pills have a small amount of hormones that prevent fertilization by blocking the eggs.

  • Surgical technique and implants: To prevent the union of sperm and ovum in this procedure, contraceptive devices like copper-T or a loop can be employed. The fallopian tubes in women are closed surgically to halt the flow of eggs, while the vas deferens in men is blocked to stop the flow of sperms.

20. How do unicellular and multicellular creatures' reproductive strategies differ?

Explanation : 

Fission, budding, and other processes are some of the numerous ways that unicellular creatures reproduce. In this instance, the cell divides into two daughter cells, continuing the process of cell division. While the organ system for reproduction differs in multicellular organisms. Multicellular organisms can reproduce in a variety of ways, including vegetative growth and spore generation.

  • Sexual reproduction is the primary method of reproduction in more complex creatures like humans and animals.

21. How does reproduction contribute to the stability of species populations?

Explanation :

Reproduction is the process of creating new individuals of the same species from those already present. This is carried out to preserve the species' population as well as to perpetuate the species for future generations. By monitoring the birth and mortality rates, stability is maintained.

22. What possible defense may there be for utilizing contraceptives ? 

Explanation :

Here are a few reasons to use contraceptive methods:

  • the population should be decreased 

  • In order to stop unplanned pregnancies and the spread of STDs.